OfficeNinjas 2015 Calendar Giveaway!

The holidays are upon us and we here at OfficeNinjas HQ have many things to be thankful for. One special thing that tops our list: YOU! We love being a part of this enthusiastic community, and this holiday season we’re celebrating by giving a small token of our appreciation. You guys loved our post 14 Brutally Honest Quotes From the Office, so we’ve worked a little ninja magic and turned those quotes into a calendar that’ll keep you chucklin’ all year long. ;-)
It’s our biggest giveaway EVER. Two hundred (that’s right 200!!!) lucky ninjas will receive a limited edition 2015 “Brutally Honest” calendar. Good luck!
Love my OfficeNinja 2015 Calendar!!
Hi Roz, so happy to hear!
So excited to have won one of these calendar!!! Can’t wait to receive it and display it on my desk. Thanks Office Ninja’s!!! Happy New Year!!!!
We can’t wait to see it on your desk, Michele. Thanks for your amazing energy and support!
I just received the email that I was one of the lucky winners of this awesome calendar! I can’t wait to proudly display it on my desk! Great Christmas present for myself! Thank you Office Ninjas!!!
Yay, Tammi! Thanks so much for reppin’ the #NinjaLife in Kansas. We’d love to see a pic of your desk. Please share with us on facebook or email :)
I cannot wait to see this little beauty on my desk :) I love being an OfficeNinja!!
Aloha, Kim! We’re honored to have a place on your desk. :)
I found this group useful. I would like to receive this calender and articles of interest to Admin / HR Managers. Bhuvaneshwari A.S.
Great to hear, Bhuvaneshwari!
Because I am a Brutally Honest Office Ninja and would love this at my desk!
We hear you, Joanna! Would be great to gussy up your desk!
I love this site. My position picked me and any tool that could possibly make my job easier is awesome, thanks!
So happy you joined us, Gina! We’ll continue to introduce great tools and if you have tools that you absolutely love, let us know! We’d love to share it with the community.
would love to enter the giveaway on Brutally Honest NInja calendar. Could use the levity in our office which is high paced and stressful at times…..laughter is good medicine
We absolutely agree, Melinda. Laughter is what’ll keep us sane.
I want one of those cool calendars! because i am THE officeNinja extraordinnaire :-)
Hi Bernadette! Oh YES you are. Thanks for joining in on the fun!
Because if I don’t have a Ninja calendar, which is the ultimate of all calendars, I will be forced to get one with cute puppies or kitties or fluffy bunnies…so not me or the way I work. At least that’s what my bosses, all 46 of them, tell me.
LOL Agreed, a Ninja calendar adorning your desk is the way to go.
oh, who has the coolest desk in the building now? I do, with my brand new Office Ninja calender so I can move the fluffy kitties back to my daughter where they belong! Bwaa-haa haa. Now back to the budget! Thanks for the awesomeness, my Ninja masters, and an especially happy 1/5/15!
You crack us up, Carolyn. Do send us a pic of your kitty replacer at!
I would love to win to outwardly display my Inner Ninja. I just made you humm that song didn’t I?
How did we not know about this song?! LOVE. For the rest of you ninjas, here’s what Aubri is talking about!
I want to enter the raffle for the office Ninja Calendars so everybody at work knows that I am one!
Do you wear your ninja badge in the office, Elizabeth? ;)
Why should you win the OfficeNinjas 2015 Calendar? Because I call myself an office ninja, and that was BEFORE I knew you existed! Besides, it’s too awesome to not have at my desk. :D
OMG Sandy, we love your avatar! Too cute.
Because everyone in the office who comes to ask for a pen, stapler, tape, etc. should be exposed to the Office Ninja lifestyle when they come to my desk
Absolutely, it’ll shed some light of what you do to keep the office running. Thanks for sharing, Kate!
Like so many other Office Ninjas, I would absolutely LOVE to win this great calendar, to constantly remind ME of of how important my contributions are to the success of the people I serve. And it would be a marvelous birthday present for me this month!
PJ – we would be honored to be your desk sidekick. And Happy Bday Month!!
An OfficeNinjas 2015 Calendar? How awesome is that!!!
That’s what we thought! Thanks for your support, Lynn!
I should win the OfficeNinjas 2015 Calendar so that I can share a bit of the magic with those who visit my space!
Magic and laughter!
I should win because I love calendars. Seriously I collect them. This one would sit proudly in my office.
Leticia, we would be honored to be part of your calendar collection!
I’d forget when I need to go to the bathroom without a calendar, so I definitely should have a Ninja calendars!
LOL maybe we should make a ninja timer. ;)
I need a cleverly snarky ‘paper brain’ to go with my other ‘paper brains’ to go with the multiple ‘e-brains’ that assist my amazing physical brain to constantly track the plethora of tasks, projects, and last minute needs of the masses I willingly and happily serve!
That’s a lotta brains! <3 your positive attitude, Tamara!
The calendar would be a life preserver in a ring of chaos that is our office. I NEED the humour to help keep me afloat =D
We agree, Cindy. Laughter does a body good!
I deserve the calendar because I work, quickly, swifly and for so many people and do so many tasks in one day…. sometimes I wonder myself how I managed to complete so many things…. must be a ninja ! :-)
LOL you gotta give credit where credit is due!
Office Ninjas 2015..take me Awaayyy! :D
Crazy that 2015 is almost here! it’s going to be awesome year.
I just want one to show it off and everyone will ask me where I got it and I would love to say a ninja sent it to me.
LOL that’s great, Lydia!
Why should I win the Office Ninjas 2015 calendar? Hmmm well I’m a pretty good ninja… I get things done around the office before people even realize it. I’m always 2 steps ahead of them and I’m a MINI-Ninja :) :)
I’m sure they’ll quickly realize all you do when you’re NOT in the office! Fo sho, NINJA.
I’m a ninja and no one knows it, but if I had your calendar, I’D know it, and I’d show it!! And then They’d Know it!
LOL, and be proud of it!
An OfficeNinjas Calendar is so quirky even a baby will want it (literally, babies will use them).
But, let’s have it JUST for you, right?! ;)
I would like a calendar because it will be perfect in my office and brighten my day! Thank you!
We’d love to gussy up your desk, Jessica!
Calendaring is such a large part of what we do. I look at them all day – on my monitors, on my phones on my walls (yes, all plural – I’m sure you all can relate). It would be great to glance at a calendar that was made just for me and my situation. If I’m gonna be momentarily distracted, it may as well be with a word of encouragement, a funny quip, or a message that lets me know I’m not the only one.
100% agree, Moneceya. We love our gadgets but nothing beats a physical calendar… and with quotes! You are most definitely NOT alone, you got an army of ninjas behind you.
2015 here we come ninjas!
Eek!!! It’s around the corner. Ninja Nation is ready to charge….
Why should you win the Office Ninjas 2015 Calendar?
It’s shocking how much I can cram into a work day. It’d be an excellent reminder that I’m not alone. Plus, who wouldn’t want to put up Office Ninja stuff in their work space? :)
You are most definitely NOT alone. We’d be honored to be your desk pal, Emily. ;)
I would like to win so I can give it to my fellow office ninja and partner in battling the office marshmallows. You need to come back to Seattle soon!
We <3 marshmallows. Have you tried these, Jenifer? YES, we hope to return to Seattle soon!
Every OfficeNinga needs to prepare for 2015.
You got that right, Latricia.
I’m lost without a desk calendar. A good Ninja shouldn’t get lost.
That’s exactly what we thought, Alison.
I deserve the calendar Nancy…..because…Science! (Funny wins, right?)
You know us, funny keeps us sane. ;)
I think the quotes may be the lifeline I need to keep this ship upright and I generally just really want it!
Also, my birthday is 11/27, yes on Thanksgiving, which mean I get gipped again!
The quotes are a reminder that there’s a nation of ninjas who GET what you do. And, a way to gussy up your desk. ;)
I deserve the calendar because I can never get enough laughs working in an animal shelter. Most days are Rainbows and Unicorns – but when it isn’t…….
then you need some much need chuckles. We totally agree!
I should win this calendar because I don’t complain at work and have to work quietly, move quickly and read minds on a daily basis. Stealthy, like a ninja!
WINNER. Perfect definition of a ninja, Keetra!
I should win the Office Ninjas Calendar because as an Office Ninja, I quietly do the job of about 3.5 people whilst never complaining or asking for recognition. :)
We’ll recognize you, Kate! It truly is extraordinary all that an office ninja does. Keep at it!
I deserve the Office Ninjas 2015 calendar because whenever someone in the office is looking for something, or needs to know how to do something they come to me. I fix copiers too!
We could only imagine what’s on your task list. Keep being awesome, Hope!
Why should you win the OfficeNinjas 2015 Calendar? Because being the silent one in the office that seems to “magically” get things done is one of my ninja skills. I hear people ask “who did…” and I just sit back and enjoy my knowledge that I snuck in and got the job done without anyone seeing me.
Those moments are the best.
We concur!
Why should you win the OfficeNinjas 2015 Calendar? Because I wear my OfficeNinjas T-shirt to work at least once a week and am wearing it today while I interview potential new OfficeNinjas :)
Wow, what a way to represent Ninja Nation, Constance! <3