Manage the 24-Hour News Cycle with our Top 5 News Sites

Staying up-to-date on current events is a big part of bringing your A-game to work every day. When you understand what’s happening in the world around you, you can make smarter decisions at the office and within the scope of your own personal career. (Plus, it’s fun to be the office smarty pants.)
But, with approximately one million other items on their to-do lists, how do office ninjas stay on top of the 24-hour news cycle? We asked our community for their favorite sites and newsletters, and these five were the top contenders:
The Skimm
“We read. You Skimm.” That’s the concept behind The Skimm, a daily newsletter run by two former producers for NBC News. The curated content is designed to cross party lines and deliver a handful of the most important headlines for the day, all with a touch of editorial sass. You’ll likely chuckle over clever headlines and pithy summaries of complex issues.
The Muse
This website and newsletter is all about news as it relates to your career. The Muse regularly provides glimpses of what it’s like to work for hot start-ups and tech giants. And, there’s a healthy dose of interview pointers, continuing education tips, tech tutorials, and general work-life advice. The Muse is a great tool for ninjas looking to stay relevant in their field.
New York Times
You can’t go wrong with the classics. In addition to providing readers with “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” delivers regularly updated, world-class reporting on myriad topics including national stories, world events, business, technology, health, entertainment, and fashion. The Times offers a variety of print and digital subscription options, but much of its content is available online for free. (Plus, you can always set up an IFTTT recipe to automatically send top NYTimes articles to your Pocket account!)
Everyone’s got at least one: that annoying, obligatory “friend” in your social feed that insists on spreading misinformation on, well, everything—just as long as said misinformation supports their political leanings. is kryptonite for trolls of this nature. A project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, describes itself as a “a nonpartisan, nonprofit ‘consumer advocate’ for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics.” They double check the accuracy of what’s dispersed via press release, speeches, ads, and debates and share their findings online and through email alerts. So, the next time you need to put Aunt Melba and her conspiracy theories in place, you know where to go.
So many ninjas told us they live by their TechCrunch updates, there was no way it wasn’t making this list. TechCrunch reports on new tech companies, sites, and products and gives subscribers the option to receive daily or weekly newsletters. TechCrunch is a great resource for anyone in the tech industry, or anyone who manages the tech or social media for their company. Or, anyone with technology as part of their day-to-day life. So, basically, TechCrunch is a great news source for everyone.
Remember: an informed ninja is ready for anything, so bookmark, follow, or subscribe to these sites and you’ll always know where to turn for the latest news.
What sites, apps, and newsletters do you use to stay up-to-date?
I love MUSE and “a magazine”. I also love Huffington Post and in Dallas-D Magazine.
All good ones, April! What’s your #1 go-to?
Second that, the Skimm is the greatest way to wake up every morning! I’ve been subscribing for about 2 years now and have withdrawals during holiday breaks and weekends.
Something else I love is BBC. I just enable notifications on my phone and get some important real-time updates. Really, any news app that sends push notifications to your phone (and that you can edit which stories you’re notified on) is a win. Or aggregating apps like Feedly, News Republic, etc.
Last but not least, NewsGIF. Pretty rad app that gif-ifies the news.
Thanks for the additions, Aer! We’ll be writing about news aggregating tools soon (including Feedly), so it’s good to hear about any others that ninjas use.
I LOVE theSkimm! Their newsletters are so easy to read and so straight forward, and they always link you to more information if you want it. I don’t know how I ever stayed up-to-date without it!
Thanks Jenessa!
Good to hear, Janine! You gotta love the balance between informational and interesting. ;)