The Power of the Office Ninja

The first Office Ninjas Tech Event in NYC!
The first Office Ninjas Tech Event in NYC!

The room buzzed with the energy and excitement that comes from being in a room with other super-smart people who “get it.” Get what you do, get who you are. The buzz that comes from networking and learning instantly useful information that you can get nowhere else. Knowledge really is power, as we found out last night at the Office Ninjas Tech Showcase event in New York City. When you add in music, wine, food, and awesome raffle prizes, it’s irresistible.

New York City’s finest office pros gathered to hear about the latest and coolest tech apps straight from the people who created them. The company reps flew in from San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and Boston. There is a reason New York City is now dubbed Silicon Alley. This event was a first in New York City, but it won’t be the last. With technology changing by the day, admins know that the only way to keep up with it all is to share information with other ninjas.

A full house enjoying the tech demos.
A full house enjoying the tech demos.

These admins represented several organizations including IAAP – Intnl Assoc of Administrative Professionals, NYCA – New York Celebrity Assistants, DEMA – Domestic Estate Managers Association, and EAO – Executive Assistants Organization. The goal of these groups is to support members to do their work better, faster, and the most effective way possible. Technology is no longer a variable. It is a must-have area of expertise.

The power of collaboration.
The power of collaboration.

As emcee, I encouraged attendees to go beyond the superficial and go a little deeper. Ask colleagues questions like, What is your favorite resource? And What do you do really well? Mentor others and be mentored. The future is now.

A "Be the Ultimate Assistant" Fan.
A “Be the Ultimate Assistant” Fan.

To work in collaboration and partnership is a smart business strategy in the workplace of 2013 – especially for ninjas. Thanks for a great night!