How to Enjoy Summer Even Though You Have to Work

For most of us, gone are the days of a summer-long vacation spent in flip-flops and t-shirts. Did we even appreciate how carefree those days truly were? Yes, there was the faint nag of summer reading requirements in the back of all of our minds, but we could put that off until Labor Day weekend, which seemed SO far away…
If the warmer months have you longing for days that once started with a full-body coating of SPF 50 and ended with a twilight game of flashlight tag, we can definitely relate. But, as full-grown ninjas who must report to work even on perfect beach days, it’s our job to find little ways to enjoy the summer months before they’re gone. We’ve got a few suggestions on how to do just that.
Bring the Outside In
Since your days of running barefoot in the grass are limited to Saturday and Sunday, you’re going to need to find ways to bring the outside in. Fresh flowers, a potted fern, or a blooming plant are summery desk accessories that will brighten your mood and freshen your air space. If you have the room, you can order a butterfly garden for around $20 and watch the natural miracle of metamorphosis happen right from your cubicle.
Keep Popsicles in the Office Freezer
We hear that management frowns upon their employees chasing after the ice cream truck while on the clock. But nothing says summer like a red, white, and blue rocket pop. Buy a box of popsicles, ice cream bars or Italian ice for the office freezer and hit it up on the days when you’re feeling bummed about being cooped up inside. Share with your coworkers and watch everyone’s mood improve.
Bike to Work
Start your day more playfully by commuting to work via bike. Even if you’ve got a full day of meetings ahead of you, you’ll have started the day with a bit of exercise and fresh air. Be sure to read our post on biking to work for gear and safety tips.
Do Lunch al Fresco
If your favorite lunch spot has outdoor seating, you’ve got it made. If you’re brown bagging it or short on time, you can still soak up some vitamin D while enjoying your PBJ. Grab a park bench, a patch of grass or even a concrete step in the shade. Go solo if you need to de-stress, or gather a couple of colleagues if you’re in the mood to be social.
Take Meetings on the Road
Walking meetings are a great way to stay productive while getting the blood pumping. They work best in small groups and for brain storms, check-ins and other meetings that require little in the way of materials and technical support. If you’ve allotted 30 minutes for your meeting, simply walk and talk for 15 minutes before turning around and heading back to the office. It’s a great way to enjoy the sunshine and still take care of business.
Of course, nothing replaces a real vacation or a full day away from the office; make time for downtime too! Don’t forget the sunscreen, and send us a postcard!
What’s your favorite way to enjoy summer while still on the clock?
Thanks for sharing, let enjoy summer!
It is always good to enjoy some down time, whether it is an hour for lunch outside, taking the afternoon off for a mani-pedi, or taking a weekend getaway; we must remember that we all need to release, relax, refresh!
Oooh – Mani-Pedi. Good idea, Karen!