14 Brutally Honest Quotes From The Office

#NinjaLife has it ups and downs, and to illustrate that, we’ve put together some of our favorite brutally honest (and amusing) quotes from the office.
1. Wish I would have seen that one coming.
2. #SorryNotSorry
3. Wish this was true.
4. Let me text you about that tweet you sent me.
5. #WineDownWednesday #NoShame
6. … and dancing with them at Burning Man.
7. All day … every day … those three phrases … amirite?
8. My throne.
9. And I pretend to care about our office Fantasy Football league because they actually pay me for that.
10. #NinjaLife
11. As long as I get a chance to eat my wafel.
12. And that’s why there is Seamless.
13. I can add “managing expectations” to my resume right?
14. There goes my hopes and dreams.
Got a quote that you think embodies your work-life or office? Share in the comments below!
Thank you for the smiles this morning! #13 is being shared with all the work peeps as I type.
Glad we made you smile! Be sure to enter our calendar giveaway which features all of these quotes!
Holy wow! I can now say I am a ‘winner-winner-chicken-dinner’. Thank you so much for the EXTRA smiles upon learning I would get one of your awesome calendars. Thank you!!
4 and 11 are my favorites! I needed that today!
I think #5 will start tomorrow around here!
#1 could be our motto.
Is #14 misspelled on purpose?
Keeping you guys on your toes. Just kidding, made the change. Thanks, Melissa!
I read them over and over again. number 11 so true!!!!!
You just needed that moment, that moment when it’s just you and your pumpkin spice latte… :)
I love them all and can’t wait to share them! We can all use a little humor in our otherwise hectic day.
Glad you enjoyed the post! It definitely is hard to pick a favorite!
I think my boss may have #13 on his wall, along with 11
These are priceless. I especially like #1. Thanks for the laugh and the quick break.
Glad we could make you smile MJ! :)