Flash Raffle #4 – WIN $500 Worth of Delta Air Lines Travel!

Winners Announced!
Congrats, ninjas! Your prizes will land in your inbox very soon. :)
1st: Jennifer Maitland
Office Manager, Garden Grove, CA 92845
2nd: Emily Vogel
Assistant to the Chair, Oak Creek, WI 53154
3rd: Deborah Zotian
Office Manager, Westport, CT 06880
Ninjas, this is a bit of an intervention.
We heard a rumor that some of you may be among the 41% of Americans who leave unused vacation days on the table. This is not acceptable. You work hard and, therefore, deserve to get away from it all. Discover new cities! Feel the thrill of adventure! Take flight! (And, no, a staycation and Netflix marathon does not count.)
Our friends at Delta Air Lines agree. That’s why, in addition to sponsoring Admin Week 2015, they’re hosting today’s flash raffle! Three lucky ninjas will win gift cards that can be used toward air travel within the 48 contiguous United States.
Enter this raffle for FREE, and you’ll have the chance to win one of three prizes.
This is a FLASH RAFFLE! Enter by 11:59 PM PST TONIGHT to be eligible. Winners will be announced the next day here. Good luck!
Pretty cool prize, huh? That’s totally Delta’s M.O. Did you know they offer 15 hourly shuttle flights every weekday between Los Angeles and San Francisco? On top of that, shuttlers are treated to complimentary craft beer, wine, Starbucks coffee and great-tasting fresh snacks by Luvo.
And if you haven’t heard about Delta Innovation Class, you should check it out. Through an application via your LinkedIn account, you could be selected for a free flight in a seat next to a leader in business, science, technology, or the arts. It’s basically professional mentorship…at 35,000 feet.
Be sure to look out for tomorrow’s equally awesome giveaway!
Thank you Office Ninjas! It was exciting to find the email buried in my inbox that I had won one of the prizes. Definitely made my Monday better.
I’d travel to Los Angeles, and hang out with my Silicon Valley startup and live-tweeting friends. :)
I haven’t seen my family in over three years, so I’d fly to Indy for a family reunion!
I would travel to London to see my little sister and visit my grandmother’s grave who recently passed away at the glorious age of 102. She was one of the most successful women I know and she was an inspiration to all our family. From India to Africa and finally to England. The stories she could tell……
Ohh, tough call. Pgh, PA to see my family or somewhere for a long time coming vacation? (And I had trouble posting so hopefully only one of these made it through.)
I would fly to New York to see a dear friend that I haven’t seen in 20 years!
I would go to Orlando with my grandkids! My daughter is an awesome single mom wiht 3 kids who deserves some relaxing time with the family.
The Delta Innovation Class seats sound so cool. What an interesting idea!
I would like to fly to Hawaii and sit on the warm sandy beach. One day I will hopefully get to go, I was supposed to go a few years ago but I sent my daughter for her high school graduation present and then I was supposed to go again this year and I let my other daughter go for her honeymoon as she wouldn’t have had on otherwise. I know how that felt as I never had one…but one day it will happen. :)
If I won, I would go to San Francisco. It’s one of the best food cities in the world!
A sunny San Diego beach is where I’d travel to – back home to my roots, where I’d lie on the beach and feel the warmth of the sand and hear the beautiful sound of the waves crashing all around.
Arizona to visit family!
The Windy City! Chicago!!!!!
I got 99 problems and a beach ain’t one! I would go to any place by the ocean!
I need a much needed get away. I have not be away to any where is years.
Hawaii for sure!!
Hawaii. Because if you are going to get away you should get away. ( and I need some place really cool to get away to..)
I would love to visit Florida or Georgia, anywhere in the southeastern coast of the US. I’ve never been there before, and would love to see that part of the country and its history.
I haven’t traveled West much…would love to visit San Diego.
I would travel to San Diego to visit some family and enjoy the beaches
I would love to travel to New Orleans!
I would visit Las Vegas … as I have a free hotel room for a week, but no way to get there!
Portland and Washington to see my family, that i don’t get to see often enough!
Would travel to my hometown of N.Y. to visit family (haven’t been there in 20 years!!!)Take my kiddos with me to see the City that Never Sleeps & enjoy a slice of pizza :)
I would fly to San Jose, CA area to see my mom. Perhaps I could pop in to the Office Ninja offices!
I would fly to St. Louis, to see my family – especially my nephews because I’m the ultimate “cool aunt” and I’d love to go to Montreal Canada because I’ve never been and I’m dying to explore the city and its upcoming fashion and music scenes.
I’d use it to go to NYC for my sister’s wedding and to see our mom’s side of the family! =)
I’m in the process of looking at flights in July to Texas. I know who wants to go to Texas in July ;)! Traveling with my mother-in-law to a family reunion. My son flies with Delta on a regular basis – loves it!!!
New York to see some family and friends or Hawaii because I love the ocean and the beach and for complete relaxation. Something about being at the beach just fills me with peace and contentment.
I work in the Music department here at Sony. I would LOVE to fly to either Memphis or Nashville, two really big Musically inclined states. I’d love to fly to Memphis and learn about the Blues and how it started or travel to Nashville and hear Music all over the capital of Tennessee.
Not sure why we (Hawaii) gets excluded… Delta does fly out of Hawaii. If I win, I was hoping to use it to fly to Tokyo to visit my parents. Since it has to be within the 48 contiguous United States, I guess I can get a ticket to LAX on my own and fly out from there to Washington D.C. I used to live in Virginia when I was a little kid and would love to visit old friends and family who are still there. I’ve been wanting to take my teenage son to see where I grew up and all the great historical places to see.
I would fly to Chicago and surprise my family. I don’t get to see them enough!
Australia – I’ve never been and would love to go to an international locale!
Italy is on my buckett list but family comes first so we would go to Panama or Texas.
Hawaii, please!
I’d fly to Hawaii with my husband. We both work so hard, we’ve never taken a REAL vacation together.
I’d escape Seattle for Oahu for much needed Vitamin D!
I would go to NYC or Phoenix. We’re huge baseball fans so would love to see Yankee Stadium or go to Spring Training. Hawaii sounds good too! I’m close to PTO max so I’m ready to travel!
I would go to New Mexico to see my family. I miss them terribly!
I would choose NY or Boston – my brother lives in Europe but travels to NY and/or Boston for business once a year so I would have a chance to visit with him while he’s in the states!
I would likely fly home to Michigan to surprise my family!
I’d go to Honolulu! I would love to take a vacation where all that’s on the agenda is the beach, an umbrella drink, and reading a good book!
Chicago or Hawaii to visit family. Montana to visit God’s country and Vegas for a bit of fun!
I would visit my family in Russia for the holidays.
Las Vegas, NY City, Miami, Washington D.C., San Diego, New Orleans
I’d use it to fly to Florida because one of my best friends is about to go there for grad school! I miss her already and she isn’t even gone yet :(
NYC or Miami! :)
I’d like to get away and totally relax, so my choice is Hawaii!
So many options….I’d say New Orleans OR New York!! Both awesome cities.
I hope I win this so I can visit my friends in Brooklyn!
I want to fly to a place where I won’t have cell coverage to escape from everything… Alaska should do it! I want to hike around Alaska.
I would fly to Florida to visit my family!
New York City or Portland! I haven’t been back to NYC in forever and there’s some restaurants and shows I want to check out. And Portland, bc I always think about moving there so feel like I should visit first, haha.
Honolulu!!!! My boyfriend and I need a romantic vacation! <3 <3 <3
I would fly with my husband down to Florida- we love Miami and the Keys! With a job as stressful as this, sometimes, I just like to getaway. It would be perfect timing- we celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary in May.
I would probably fly back to Miami and go to this awesome sushi restaurant my hubby and I went to a few years ago and then we would probably hop on another plane and head to the Caribbean…..heavenly!! Thanks for hosting such a fab admin week, it’s been so fun to jump on each day :)
straight to NYC for me!
I’d go straight to Honolulu for a nice week of R & R, eat amazing food, and explore the island.
I am originally from Chicago and still have family there! So that would be one place. However, I have always wanted to see Yosemite, so Fresno would be a top pick as well!
Honolulu. My son moved there and I haven’t seen him since. I would love to visit him.
Pittsburgh, by way of Denver…I want to visit friends I have not seen in many years.
I’d visit Nashville to listen to some good live music!
Take me to Nashville!!
I would love to go to New York or Florida to visit my family! Oooh, the east coast. :)
Depending on the prize, I would either fly to Portland, OR to visit a large set of cousins, or to El Paso, TX to visit my oldest (and last living) aunt, who turns 98 in August.
I would go to New Orleans! Once upon a time, I had the opportunity to be “friends” with Princess Tiana from Disney’s “Princess and the Frog” and her story takes place there, but I’ve never been. It would bring that experience full circle being able to explore the sights and sounds of such a famous and beautiful city. Who could say no to jazz, beignets, and gumbo!?
I would go to Anchorage, Alaska to visit my friend. :D
I would fly to Pennsylvania to visit the family of a dear friend that passed away.
This is a tough one! I LOVE to travel. I’ve always wanted to see Portland – and we have an office there. New York is where my fast-walking heart is. Honolulu is what I probably need the most. Montreal sounds romantic. NOLA is absolutely magical. :D
I would love to visit New York City!
I would fly my son home from Indiana for Mother’s Day. :)
I really need to win this, I am long overdue to visit my Oldest sister in Florida!!
I would go to Hawaii! Or New Orleans! relaaaxxxxx
I would want to go to California because I have never been off of the East Coast! :) Also, I listed my personal e-mail address bc a lot of sites don’t recognize the apostophe in my work e-mail… annemarie_o’donnell@troweprice.com
I would go to New Orleans, listen to jazz and drink all around the French Quarter. Then drive to the bayou and play in the swamps:)
I could go anywhere and be relaxed-beaches, mountains, cities. Sometimes change is as good as rest (especially a change of scenery).
I’d love to visit San Francisco. I’ve been to LA but never got the chance to go up to the Bay area. It sounds like a beautiful place.
Id be off to San Francisco to visit my best friend and her son!!!!! Im packed and ready to goooooooo
That would definitely help pay for my honeymoon trip to Hawaii or Mexico!
I would go to Montreal!! Closest thing to Europe, but closer and more awesome.
I would use this to visit my old hometown in NY!
Ithaca NY!
I would travel to Disney World my kids are sooo wanting to go there but all of us on Air fair would be a lot
I will travel to Dallas to see my new born nephew and brother as it has been over 3 years since I seen my brother and have not seen my nephew yet. Too expensive to travel and would love to visit them
If I win I would travel to Hawaii, I am dying to go back on vacation. Unfortunately, airfare is really expensive. If I can find a conference that fulfills my professional development requirements I can get my hotel covered ;)
I would probably fly to Las Vegas! It is a great place for networking!
Anywhere in the Pacific Northwest!
I would travel to New York City and binge on all of the art and fashion. Most definitely, I would have to go shopping at Mood Fabrics, the fabric store featured in “Project Runway.” I could do with some Italian silk with the texture of butter.
Who hasn’t dreamed of visiting New York City!?!?!
I’d love to go to Vancouver, Portland, Miami, or Chicago. I’m a foodie and would love to do a tummy-filling exploratory type of tour.
San Diego for warmth and a Tour de Brew!
I would definitely fly to New York for work! But I love flying Delta to Europe for pleasure.
Chicago! home of the NRA Show for restaurants. I would go to learn more about the restaurant side of the food industry–untapped territory for our company’s business. The downtown scene is amazing to wander through solo, so no qualms exploring on my own, networking at the NRA show.
I want to check out Austin, TX!
I would love to go to Albequerque, NM. I’ve always wanted to go & it’s one of the places on my bucket list.
I would love to go to Sedona, AZ. It is my MOST favorite place.
Chicago, or Austin, because i do not know these cities; Honolulu or Washington DC because i need a real vacation and i love the beach and the museums! And most other destinations, i know someone there and would not mind either!!!As long as i am packed and ready to go… Anywhere works for me! <3 Delta…
I would visit my 85 year old grandmother in Arizona. She would love to see me since she, herself, cannot travel.
I want to go to New York because it’s beautiful in the spring!!!!
I would go to New York!
I would take my boyfriend to Tampa to see is youngest daughter, who he hasn’t seen in almost 6 years.
I would go to Seattle to visit a friend I’ve been meaning to get out to visit for what seems like forever!
I would go to Columbus, OH and visit my family I haven’t seen in almost 10 years!
I would fly to New York to visit my family! Preferably during the holiday season, as that is when it is the most beautiful.
I would go to SLC to visit my sister!
I’m pregnant and due this September so I’d love to fly to San Diego and surprise my mom! She’s bummed she’s missing out on so much of the pregnancy so I’m sure it’d be great for both of us :)
I would go to Disneyland or Disneyworld. And I have to go check out the Delta Innovation Class – that sounds like such an amazing opportunity.
I would fly to the IAAP Summit 2015 in Louisville, KY!
Honolulu all the way!
Hands down, Key West! My fiance’ and I haven’t had a true vacation (more than 1 or 2 days off work) in almost 5 years due mostly to his work and challenging finances. We have said that the next time we go to KW, we’re doing a sunset sail, saying our I do’s just before the sun sets, and then cruising back to celebrate at our favorite place, the Conch Republic Seafood Company in the marina. This dream brings the biggest smile to my face, and pictures of our last trip there keep my dream and hopes alive! :)
I LOVE to travel and a mini vacation from the office would be greatly appreciated! I’m the contact person in my office who books travel for all of our employee trainings, executive travel, etc and it would be nice if I could book it for myself to someplace fun! Thanks!
I would go to Austin! I’ve never been and I could visit our new office :)
Too many options to choose from. Hmmmm, back to Sarasota, Boston, Chicago, Seattle. I’m game for whatever!
I would go to the Pacific NW — Portland to visit my family; Seattle to visit my best friend.
I visited New York about 5 years ago and I would love to go back. Delta, send me to New York!!
I would go to New York to see my younger brother and best friend!
I would go to Europe with my husband for our next anniversary.
I would go to Ireland to visit my niece, who lives in Dublin! I would love to show my husband the Emerald Isle!
Nashville! It’s all about the music.
I would travel to South Korea so I can visit with my mother’s side of the family. I haven’t seen them in years.
I would go to Oklahoma City this fall to visit with my mother and siblings!
Telluride would be my top pick! I grew up in Utah right next to the mountains (shout out to SLC) and I’ve been craving some fresh mountain air, whether that’s for a hike in the sun or skiing in some fresh pow <3
I would take me and my significant other to Sun Valley, Idaho. We would absolutely love to see all of the beautiful landscapes. We would also enjoy all of the outdoor activities there is to offer, such as river rafting and hiking. I would time my travel around the Sun Valley Half Marathon so that I could compete in it! We are also big fans of the Old West and would adore to get involved in Wagon Days! Live music, dancing, and parades – bring it on! Besides, with us both being such big fans of Clint Eastwood and knowing that there might be a chance of running into him with him sharing a love for Sun Valley, just makes everything all the more exciting!
Baton Rouge.. Food tour!
I would love to spend some time in Seattle or San Francisco.
Definitely Baton Rouge, I have never been to the South. FOOD TOUR!
Washington DC to visit family
I would fly home to Ohio see my elderly grandmother, who is very sick. Living in Seattle makes it a challenge to get back home, especially when family emergencies arise.
I’m one of those people who end up with unused vacation time at the end of the year. I would love to visit my family in Florida. I haven’t been in a few years.
I would love to go to Sun Valley. Just look at that view!
I’d go to LA. I am currently planning my destination wedding there, and would love to squeeze one more trip in before the big day. Thanks Delta and Office Ninjas!
I would love to go to Anchorage and see the beauty of Alaska. . .and while I am at it, run the Mayor’s Marathon with Team in Training for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!
I would love to be able to go to my family reunion in New York this summer!
I would go to Anchorage or Honolulu! My husband lived in Alaska for a bit while growing up and has always wanted to take me there. We recently went on a vacation to Hawaii and it was the most amazing place I have every been!!
I would visit my 5-year-old and 3-year-old grandsons in California. I miss them!
Washington DC and all of it’s museums are calling me!
I would love to take a trip with my Sister to San Diego. We both love the warm, sunny weather and their beautiful beaches, plus it’s close to the LA area where one of my bucket list items it to be on The Price is Right!
I’d go back to California. I just recently moved from Silicon Valley and miss my friends, the weather, EVERYTHING!
Italy! It’s #1 on my bucket list! Then again, since I’m Asian, I should probably go to Asia and learn more about my heritage! Ha!
I would love to go to New York City to watch a Broadway show.
Would love to go to Disney World, Orlando, Florida!
Portland, Oregon – and from there I would drive down the Pacific Coast for a week, stopping at beaches and motels to write with the ocean as my background music.
New Orleans, it just seems like it would be such a great escape and like an entirely different world!
Really would love to fly to Anchorage for my 50th birthday!
I really really want to go to San Francisco CA. I have never been to Cali before, and it is my goal to go there this year! There’s something so beautiful about it.
Seattle or anyplace to see one of the national parks!
One of my goals is to complete a half marathon in every state, so I would use the airfare to help me get to a really fun destination race in northern California. That way I could swing by the Bay area to visit the Office Ninjas Global HQ! :)
I’d head to Sun Valley to meet my brother who just moved to Montana. An outdoor getaway would be amazing!
I’d like to go to New York City; walk in Central Park, eat pizza, see a show, explore neighborhoods, browse antique shops and used book stores.
Living and growing up in the Midwest, I would really love to go to San Francisco – only visited California once in an RV with hubby and kids back the late 80’s. Fisherman’s Wharf, Haight-Ashbury – sounds SO appealing.
I would like to go to New York and visit Bethel. The world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is so beautiful.
Decisions, decisions! I can’t decide between Montreal and New Orleans. We’ve been to both old-world-in-the-new cities and fell in love with them. Perhaps NOLA during Jazz fest?? Off to do some travel dreaming with my first cuppa of the day!
I would love to go to Boston and visit some of the historical sites. There is so much to see and do on the East Coast.
I would like to go on an Alaskan wilderness adventure :)
My husband has always wanted to visit Minneapolis – that’s where I’d take him!
Just want to go back to San Francisco, CA. :)
I would visit family in Detroit.
I would travel back to my birthplace, August, GA. So many memories that I would like to revisit.
I want to go to New York!!!
I have never left the US so I would probably fly to Japan and plan my trip around entering a marathon there! pick me! Pick me!!
I’d go to the East Coast because I haven’t explored that section of the United States much yet.
I run for charity – This would be awesome to have a travel voucher!
Indiana to visit my family. :)
1st Choice = Honolulu (Always has been my dream to make it to Hawaii
2nd Choice = New York (Love the big city and shopping!)
3rd Choice = Montreal or San Francisco (Love the scenery!)
I’d love to go to Seattle or Vancouver.
I would love to go to just about any of these desinations! In fact, I didn’t know that Delta flew to Canada. How cool is that? I would love to check out Montreal as that is probably as close to the European experience that I will be able to get as we have two little kids. That would be OUI, OUI magnificent!
I’ve always wanted to visit the Windy City to try some authentic Chicago pizza and see a Cubs game!
I would go to Sun Valley!!
I would fly to Honolulu, I’ve never been and I’ve always wanted to go.
I would go to Charlotte, N.C. to visit my oldest daughter.
I would take my husband to Hawaii for our anniversary!
Sun Valley – to get away from the city and the everyday fast-paced life and relax
I would like to visit Austin, TX. I have an uncle who lives nearby who I haven’t seen in years. It could be a mini-family reunion.
I would take my husband to Hawaii for our anniversary!!
New York City. I want to see a Broadway show.
I would go to Vancouver because I’ve always wanted to see the location of Supernatural & attend their annual conference.
I would take my family to Boston or New Orleans.
This would be hard, there are so many places I haven’t seen in the United States that I would love to see! Right now…I could use some sand between my toes! :-)
Nashville…huge country music fan!
I think I would try Alaska as I have never been there – that would be a great trip!
I would fly home to Pennsylvania and visit my family. I haven’t been home in over five years!
Honestly I would go ANYWHERE without wifi. I went to Mexico for a 5 day vacation last year and worked every single day from my 5 star hotel. Unfortunately we had a huge fiasco while I was away and I spent the majority of my beach time slaving away.
A close family friend is retiring from the Navy this summer. I would fly up to Seattle to attend his retirement ceremony.
I would take my girls to Miami, because for some reason, they have always wanted to go there.
I would love to take my husband on a vacation to Hawaii, just the two of us! I have been there, but he has always wanted to go, and I would love to go back! Beautiful place to vacation, relax and unwind! Which is exactly what we need right now!
I would fly to Maryland to visit family and our Nation’s Capitol.
Honolulu to check another destination off my bucket list!
I would love to visit my family! I live in Florida and they live in Michigan and it’s very hard not to be able to just drive a short distance. My son is young and not very rich and they have my new g-baby to take care of! I’ve only seen him in person once and I’d love to see him again as he’s growing sooo fast! <3
It would be such a blessing if I won the tickets because we were married 1 year ago May 1st but never got to go on our honeymoon to Hawaii. We keep hoping someday we will get to go. This would such a fantastic gift!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win :)
I can think of a number of places to go! But I’d likely go to wine country in Oregon. I’ve always wanted to go and have just worked out a better vacation strategy with the VP I support so she feels comfortable with me taking time away from the office while still feeling supported. I followed the guidelines from Office Ninjas! It feels like a big accomplishment just talking it through – now we need to execute!
Would definitely go to Hawaii!
I would go to Norfolk, VA to see my son who is stationed there with the Navy.
I can think of a number of places to go! But I’d likely go to wine country in Oregon. I’ve always wanted to go and have just worked out a better vacation strategy with the VP I support so she feels comfortable with me taking time away from the office while still feeling supported. It feels like a big accomplishment just talking it through – now we need to execute!
It would be so great to return to Hawaii, where I lived for 10 years, to visit with family and friends. Delta, send me there and show me why you are the world’s most trusted airline! =)
Our three children are scattered around the country – Tucson, Lexington and Minneapolis. I’d love to be able to visit them more frequently, especially to see the grandkids in Tucson and Lexington!
If I won I would take a trip to Atlanta for my 30th wedding anniversary in May!
I would love to go back to Maui!
I would actually use mine for our visit to Ohio for my stepdaughter’s graduation next month. We live in Texas, and this would actually be perfect. It’s crazy to think that “little girl” is starting college in the fall.
I would take my husband to Alaska. We have always wanted to visit.
I would go to Colorado. I’ve never been there, but many family and friends have and I hear how beautiful it is. I would love to see the gorgeous mountains and do some hiking. I think it would be quite an experience!
I’d like to fly to Honolulu. ‘Have always wanted to visit Hawaii. But I enjoy traveling and would enjoy a trip to just about anywhere.
Portland, Oregon – I always wanted to go to Crater Lake National Park.
I’d love to fly Anchorage. I hear it’s truly beautiful there!!
I would go to San Francisco to see my daughter whom I miss very much. She’s lived there for almost 3 years… and this will be the longest (I’ll see her at Christmas) that we’ve gone without seeing her. Skype works, but its not a hug.
I will take my two sisters anywhere Delta flys. We are so close and we are not getting any younger, so a trip to anywhere will be fantastic!
Either Orlando or Houston. Haven’t been on a vacation in over 20 years and really need to go have some fun for a change. It’s been a bad year so my daughter and I need a break. Orlando has so many theme parks and Houston is just far away for us that it would be a welcome change.
I would go to Raleigh-Durham to take my daughter to summer school as a freshwoman in college.
I would SO go to Vancouver if I won. I have ALWAYS wanted to go there since I was young. I am getting married next year and this would be a great 1st stop destination for my honeymoon!!!!
Probably Texas to see family, but I’d LOVE to hit the West Coast and see how the “left half” lives. :-)
My youngest daughter is pregnant with her first child. She and her husband live in Raleigh-Durham, NC – which is about a 15 hour drive from our home in Portland, Maine. I would love the opportunity to be more connected to her as her pregnancy progresses and for the birth of our little grand baby! Delta has always been one of my go-to airlines – they have connected Portland to the rest of America and the world for over 50 years!
I would travel to San Diego. My daughter and grandchildren live there.
Would love to go back to Hawaii.
I would use this towards our honeymoon trip and we would fly somewhere tropical with deep blue water and white sands… :) I’m so excited for this!!!!
I would fly to Indianapolis. I am recently in contact with family that I haven’t seen or talked to in 36 yrs. It would be awesome to see them all in person. We could plan a family reunion of sorts.
I would love to go to New Orleans and cut loose for a long weekend. Letting go of all the work stress!
It would be off to Honolulu with DELTA!!! Comfy seats on a beautiful plane and arrive in breathtaking Honolulu!! Mahalo
I would definitely go to Florida. Live on the East Coast and it has been a very cold, snowy winter. Would love to feel the sand in my toes, and the sun on my face.
Honolulu, Hawaii! Haven’t been there yet, but it’s on my bucket list. :) Delta and Alaska are my faves!
I would so love to win this!!!
What awesome prize to give away!
This would help reduce the cost to visit my baby sister in London who is having her first baby! Crossing my fingers and toes that I win!
It’s be a toss-up between Tahoe and Palm Springs!
I’d fly to Las Vegas! I’m turning 40 this year and that’s my bucket list wish location.
I would surprise my husband with a trip to New Orleans. He loves Jazz, Cajun Food and the Saints (#2 to our Hawks, of course), but we’ve never been able to make it there. It’s at the top of our bucket list.
The surprise would be worth it. He supported my decision to change careers, further my passion of the profession and invest in my happiness. Eleven years of marriage, ten years in the profession and one kido later, he is still my number one fan.
I’d fly to Anchorage – I’d love to see the beautiful wild places of Alaska.
I would love to go to San Diego. I have such a connection to California even though I am a New Yorker born and raised! The weather, the sites, the people and beach seem perfect and the closest to my idea of paradise!
It would really be tough to decide because I would want to go everywhere. Unfortunately, I rarely get to go anywhere. But I imagine the real tossup would be between seeing my kids in Denver, visiting my brother in Norfolk/Virginia Beach, San Francisco, or going to hang with my girls in Seattle/Tacoma. Let’s face it…I need a real vacation, not just driving someone somewhere!
After nearly 7 years in my company, I’m eligible for my 7 week sabbatical in 5 days! Would love to go to my Nonna’s (grandmother) village in Italy and Sicily to follow the footsteps of her courageous journey. Good luck everyone!
Rhode Island! Visiting my cousin and walking by the ocean.
I’d go to Key West, FL. I’ve always wanted to go there and it’s a very far drive for us.
I’ve always wanted to visit Boston – I’ve never been. If I won that’s where I would go! I think this is an awesome raffle item!
If I were to win I would go to Boston. It’s beautiful there and last I was there for a conference I didn’t get a lot of time for sight seeing!
I would love to travel to L.A. to see my best friend.
Washington DC to see the cherry blossoms
I would love to win the Delta certificate so I can take my boyfriend to Sacramento for his high school friend’s wedding! He has never been to California so I would love to take him there!
I would go to west coast to visit lighthouses. I love them and have never seen one in person before! Of course my hubby would go with me! :-)
New York City, Honolulu, or Seattle. the 1st 2 because I want them off my list, the 3rd, to see family in the area. :)
I would take my daughter on an adventure to New Orleans!!
If I win, I’ll fly to Los Angeles to spend Thanksgiving with my daughter, who will be spending Christmas with her in-laws this year.
If I won I would probably head to Las Vegas to visit my neices! Tho we keep in touch I haven’t seen them in 10 years! :-)
I would love to go to Anaheim! I had a great time when we had EFAM there and I would like to go with my sister and cousin, just for a girls vacation!
I would love to go to Seattle Washington. I’ve never been in the Northwest before and would love to see the mountains meet the oceans. Sigh… :)
I would fly to the beach with my college girlfriends!
I would like to travel to Atlanta so that I can visit my friends cabin up in the mountains.
Have a pleasure trip coming up in October, would be awesome to fly Delta!
Quebec City
I would go to SAN DIEGO to visit my sister and nephews who I haven’t seen in 3 years. We would be so happy!
I’d take my niece to Disney in Orlando; then visit some friends and family I haven’t seen in a while. Awesome prize from an awesome group.
I’d definitely choose either Anchorage or Honolulu to visit family… it’s been a while since I’ve seen then so it would be quite nice.
I would take my bestie and we would head to Los Angeles
I would got to Tahoe, I was there once while at the IAAP Conference in Reno and loved it!
I’ve always wanted to visit Hawaii. Being from San Diego, you would think I would have visited by now.
Honolulu – I have been able to travel within the United States and abroad, but it has been my dream to go to Hawaii.
Hartford is it. I would use it to fly my daughter to our soon to be new home in NC. Right now she is a 6 hour drive away….when we move it will be a 13 hour drive away.
Family means everything!
I would love to fly to Los Angeles. I loved when our convention was there but didn’t get to do everything I wanted to! I would like to take my sister or cousin with me so we can just goof off for our vacation!
I would travel to Honolulu. My husband and I got married on Maui and it would be wonderful to go back. It is beautiful there and would be a great celebration.
I would love to go to Anchorage! Alaska is one of the last frontiers and from what I’ve seen on TV, a truly special and magical place. I think visiting Anchorage would offer a slower pace, breath of fresh air in comparison to the hustle and bustle of Dallas. I’ve traveled all over both domestically and internationally and for me, it’s a dream destination!
If I won the airfare, I would take my hubby to Vegas for our Anniversary! We got married there and are wanting to go back!
Arizona!! To see my bestest buddy and vacation with the family!!!
It would be great to visit Portland OR as my hubby and I have talked about it many times!
My high school BFF lives in upstate New York and we are long overdue for a Girl’s weekend. I would use this for a long weekend of pampering, frivolity and mud slides. Thank you Delta for donating this amazing prize.
I would go to SLC to visit my daughter who I haven’t seen in almost 1 year!
It snowed yesterday here in Wisconsin…anywhere warm!
San Francisco. I have always wanted to go there. The city speaks to me.
I would fly to Richmond to visit my parents, I haven’t seen them in a couple of years and I really miss them!
Sanibel Island in Florida – In Michigan… need sunshine desperately!
I would fly to Hawaii to visit a friend…. all I need is the airfare. :-)
I would go to Honolulu. I went there for the first time last winter and loved every minute! I want to go again!
I would fly to Key West, Florida, for a much needed vacation!!
Delta flies to so many awesome cities, how can I choose just one? Let’s see… Anchorage, Boston, Nashville…decisions, decisions!
I would visit my friends and family in Phoenix or splurge and head to Honolulu :-)
Salt Lake City! I just learned I have family there I’ve never met, and would like to meet them!
My dream has always been to go to Alaska, so I’d choose Anchorage! My camera is packed and I’m ready to go!
I would take my husband away for a long weekend. We’ve worked so hard together the last 10 years and haven’t had a vacation away together since our honeymoon. Life has been full of hiccups and this could certainly put some wind back in our sails. Thanks for the opportunity!
San Francisco!
I would love to travel to Hawaii!! I so need a vacation!!!
I’d travel to Italy to visit my cousins in sicily!
To the beach – anywhere warm with salt & sand!
I would go to Buffalo, NY to see my new grand niece!
Miami! Would love to get away for some fun in the sun and scuba dive!!!!!!!!
I’d love to go anywhere but I’d pick Denver, CO. My best friend moved there and I’d love to go see her!
I would go to Reno to visit my son, daughter in law and new granddaughter
I am one of “those” that loses vacation days every year. Right now I would probably fly to California to see my BFF that I haven’t seen in years. I miss her terribly!
I would go to Alaska, North Carolina, Oregon or Idaho as they are the last 4 states for me to visit in the US.
So many places! Delta is my preferred carrier anyway, but if I had to choose I would take my husband to Pittsburgh so he could see the Steelers play at home.
I would go to Los Angeles – so much to do in California.
Puerto Rico because we have a vacation cabin there, or Seattle because my daughter is thinking of moving there and I have several friends there that I would love to visit!
I would fly home to Texas to visit my family.
I would probably go to Vegas, my husband and I went there on a trip in 1990 and I haven’t been back. I’d like to see if I can still win!
Maui is on my bucket list, but any nice, warm beach will do. (Smile)
I would go to Louisville Kentucky for the IAAP summit 2015!!!!
I would go to San Diego and sit at the Torey Pines beach and then go to Old Town for dinner.
I would fly to Hartford to visit my son and daughter-in-law.
I would fly to Hartford to visit my son and daughter in law who are expecting triplets!
Halifax, did an online course through Mount Saint Vincent and would love to meet the people I was in contact with via the internet.
I would go to the beach! Emerald Isle, NC is my favorite place in the world!
I would go to Seattle to attend a wedding this summer!
I would go to NC to see my new niece. Sure beats a 2 day drive there and back!
I would so go to Nova Scotia!! On my all-time bucket list AND there’s a group of admins there that I’ve been chatting with for a few years and have not met IRL.
It’s gorgeous!
I would go to San Diego because it’s completely off my path since I’m on the East Coast. I hear only wonderful things about San Diego and the main reason to go would be to see the San Diego Padres play my beloved Baltimore Orioles, which doesn’t happen often since our teams are in different MLB leagues. Other than that, I’ve never been there and I know it would be a great vacation.
I would go to San Diego because it’s completely off my path since I’m on the East Coast. I hear only wonderful things about San Diego and the main reason to go would be to see the San Diego Padres play my beloved Baltimore Orioles, which doesn’t happen often since our teams are in different MLB leagues. Other than that, I’ve never been there and I know it would be a great vacation.
South Carolina!
I would love to fly to Missouri and California.
If I won, I’d fly to Seattle for the next big Admin Bash!
I would like to go to Seattle. We have friends there and it’s so far we don’t see them often.
Vacation anywhere is always fun. It is a time to relax, unwind and get re-energized.
San Diego!!!
I’d take my husband to Portland, Oregon so I we could see my family in Vancouver, Washington!
I’d use this to fly to a conference! I’ve always wanted to go to an SEO/marketing conference!
Always wanted to explore the west coast. Likely I’d fly into Seattle and drive down the Pacific Coast highway and take a bazillion photos along the way :)
My partner and I have always wanted to go to Hawaii together. It’s been on our bucket list.
I will probably fly home to Missouri to see my Mom for her birthday or for Mother’s Day. :)
Where in Missouri, Lauren? I’m a St. Louis native, myself. :)
Loren, might I know you?