Analog Tools in a Digital World: Why Post-it® Products are Here to Stay

Editor’s Note: This article was written in collaboration with Post-it® Brand.
We’re surrounded by tech-based solutions to everyday problems, and there’s a general sense that traditional organization solutions are being muscled out by apps and tech tools. Old fashioned sign-in sheets are being replaced with visitor management systems, the abundance of calendar and productivity apps is overwhelming, and of course, it feels as though pen and paper has been practically phased out by the omnipresent computer.
Digital solutions might get the most airtime, but there’s evidence that the humble paper and pen combo is better for memory, and many people still prefer physical over digital organization tools. In fact, according to research by the Post-it® Brand*, 62% of office workers prefer to manage their to-do list on a piece of paper rather than through a computer or digital device (38%).
The Organizational Experts
To find the best methods for organizing, go to the organizing experts—Office Ninjas.
It turns out that no matter what industry they’re in, Ninjas love Post-it® Products. From the high-tech world of Silicon Valley to the more traditional education office, Office Ninjas rely on Post-it® Products to organize their workday and office.
Post-it® Brand also understands that many of us rely on color coding to maintain our sanity—it aids visual searches, communicates meaning and conveys structure. The best bit? Everyone can tailor their set of Post-it® Products to meet their specific working needs and goals.
Oh man, I love Post-it® Notes. I use it to note things in my agenda that are moving pieces (meetings, task, etc.). I also have them color coded. I use them to write notes to my boss, as well as reminders. It’s one of the office products that I use the most and cannot live without. And I have tried to go the digital route, with no success.” said Mónica P., Senior Administrative Assistant in the marketing industry.
I love Post-it® Notes! They are everywhere around my desk. I like having a visual reminder just within eyesight. I use the 3×3 Pop-ups at my desk for every kind of note taking/reminding/jotting activity. I also use the lined ones for to-do lists or if I need to add notes to a notebook but want to be able to move them around. They are on my desk at all times.” said Chandra M., Executive Assistant in the technology industry.
Analog v. Digital: Is it Really a Choice?
Despite claims that everything is shifting to digital, or that we’re witnessing an analog resurgence, what seems more likely is a comfortable combination of the two, with pen-and-paper solutions like Post-it® Notes supporting businesses in the same ways they always have.
When it comes to project planning and organization, the positives of using paper are simple: it’s tactile, highly visual and you don’t have to log in or boot something up to access the info. There’s something about using Post-it® Products that signals our brains differently than any digital tool ever could.
At work, I use several Post-it® Products—Notes, Flags, and Tabs—every single day. I am all about the digital age but there’s something about grabbing a Post-it® Note and scribbling something on it.” said Nicole L., Administrative Assistant
The Data Stacks Up
In our fast-paced, continually changing times, ideas are everywhere and the possibilities seem endless, yet Post-it® Products remain an office staple. In fact, 43% of office workers use an average of 30 Post-it® Notes per week, while 47% of office workers say they’re often overwhelmed without Post-it® Notes during their work day.
A day without Post-it® Notes is not a day at all! Quick notes, reminders, place markers, calendar tags. It just goes on and on.” – Leticia V., Administrative Support Specialist
In a technology obsessed and ever growing electronic world, the need for analog is still strong. Post-it® Products have a special place in our hearts, and rightfully so—easy to use, accessible and versatile, Post-it® Notes are here to stay.
For the complete lineup of Post-it Products check out their website ( or get social with them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Ninjas, what are some of the special ways you use Post-it® Products? Let us know in a comment below!
*The Post-it® Brand Office Organization survey was conducted by Wakefield Research ( among 1,000 full-time U.S. office workers in 2015, using an email invitation and an online survey.
I love the Post It Notes….So much so that my whole computer monitor at work has them posted all around. They are my Go To!!!
That’s awesome, April! Do you have any other ways that you organize your work life with Post-it Products?
Ha! My high school email address was PostItNoteFiend. They’ve been an invaluable tool since my student days. In my current OfficeNinja position, they blanket my work space. It may look like chaos but having movable reminders really helps me stay in control.
Such an awesome email address! Post-it Products definitely help to turn chaos into controlled chaos :)
I live by the post it note. Even with all the organizers that are available digitally nothing beats the post it note for attention grabbing!
We completely agree, Julie! Post-it Notes are an irreplaceable tool in an Office Ninjas’ arsenal!
I use Post-it notes, flags, and tabs every day and for many purposes. Although I use digital organizing tools, I can’t imagine life without my Post-it products. ?
It’s great to hear that Post-it Products are such an integral part of your organizational system, Elizabeth!
I realized earlier this week I’ve got to get more Post-It notes! I keep a large bin of post it notes of different sizes and colors for my team. They use them on their daily stand-up meeting boards to keep track of their projects. Every time I walk down the hall, it’s through a tunnel of light yellow, bright green, blue, pink of fluttering notes. I get the super-sticky ones so the boards don’t devolve into chaos. :)
We would love to see a photo of your Post-it Notes tunnel, Connie! Sounds like your office is slightly addicted, and that’s not a bad thing ;)
Post-it Notes are a must! I carry them with me at all times because you never know what you can do with it or how they will “save” you. I’m doing an event right now in NYC. We couldn’t put tape up on their walls. Fortunately, I had my Post-its and with a little quick thinking made artwork signage out of them.
BTW – This OfficeNinja loves their inspirational story!
Such an awesome story, Melissa! Thank you for sharing :)
Cool and creative tip, Melissa! I always have Post-it Notes with me too. Next time I need a sign, I know what to do :)
Hooray! I’ve got mad love for the mighty Post-it note! They most definitely help keep me organized & on task. #NinjaLife!
Glad to hear you’re a Post-it Notes super fan like us, Evelyn! :)