Introducing Tricia Kalchbrenner, 2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star!

All-Star Ninja Snapshot
Tricia Kalchbrenner
Title & Company
Office Manager and Executive Assistant to the President at Walker Sands in Chicago, IL
# Years as an Office Ninja
Fun Fact
She’s that self-described “Pinterest Mom.” We’re talking handmade Valentines and Instagram-worthy birthday parties and DIY face masks.
Editor’s Note: We’re thrilled to spotlight the tremendous impact admin professionals have on the workforce and global business community. While coronavirus threw us for a loop this year, our 2020 All-Stars rose to the challenge with great collaboration, flexibility, and fun personal photos!
Trish Kalchbrenner probably didn’t expect to receive formative career advice while working her after-school job at Zippy’s, a fast-casual restaurant in Hawaii. But something one of her older coworkers said made a lasting impression on her teenage brain: “There is always something to do.”
At the time, it meant folding to-go boxes or wiping tables when business was slow. But, as her professional life evolved, it took on greater meaning that helped form the Ninja she is today.
Simply put, Trish makes excellent use of her time. How else could she fulfill the roles of Office Manager and Executive Assistant to the President? And manage three major construction projects in five years? And play an instrumental role in revamping her company’s parental leave policy? All while raising two children?
Trish modestly credits calendar reminders and alarms for keeping her on track, but we know there’s a special blend of skill, experience, and perseverance behind Trish’s ever-growing list of accomplishments.
If you’re wondering just how she does it all (you know you are!), check out our interview with Trish Kalchbrenner, 2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star!

Adding a special touch to every event! Tricia helps out at Walker Sands’ rebrand kickoff party in 2019 (and those sparkler candles were a bit scary).
How do you balance being an office manager and an executive assistant?
Some days I’ll be 60% office manager and 40% executive assistant. Other days I’ll be 80% office manager and only 20% executive assistant. It’s all about prioritizing, multitasking, and rolling with the punches.
Even on the craziest of days around the office, I still keep an eye on the company president’s calendar. His emails are automatically starred, and G-Chat requests go to the top of the to-do list.
Speaking of crazy days, tell us about a day on the job that you’ll never forget.
I have two scenarios that come to mind:
In the winter of 2018, I was managing an expansion construction project for the office and doing a major home renovation, which involved self-installing an Ikea kitchen, all while being 30+ weeks pregnant. Those six weeks were hectic, messy, and trying — but the results for all situations were so incredible!
Another time, we had a quarterly meeting scheduled, but upper management wasn’t quite ready with their slides. Our CEO and COO had recently gone to the Chicago Magic Lounge and decided to hire several magicians to do tricks around our desks, followed by a full show instead of our quarterly meeting. It was really the best day ever at the office!
What’s your favorite part of being an Office Ninja?
The people. More specifically, seeing “my people” succeed. My motto is, “My co-workers are my clients,” and I get that proud mama feeling every time they close a deal, impress their client, run a successful training session for colleagues, or get on a “Best Places to Work” list.
There never seems to be an issue too big for Trish to handle, whether it’s corralling executives, clients and investors, to handling our multitude of vendors, credit card transactions, and communication systems. She’s always on it. – Scott Rousse, Accounting Coordinator

Tricia’s company president really wanted to do an escape room with the team, but then fell sick on reservation day. They brought home a win in his honor.
What’s the one thing that’s always on your desk?
A Pinch Provisions Minimergency Kit! I go into my black glittery Kit all the time for personal care essentials.
I’ve utilized the Kit’s sewing materials to fix a shirt button right before a client meeting, and used clear nail polish when someone snagged their tights on the train. Folks spritz the Kit’s hairspray before taking headshots, and the nail file is asked for almost weekly.
These Kits also make great gifts, and I love that they are a local Chicago-area company.
What do you do when you’re stressed or upset at work?
Take a walk around the office! We have the entire floor, so you can pretty much do a circle around the office.
Our office has 360-degree views: Lake Michigan and the lakefront on the east; Soldier Field, Indiana, and Michigan on the south; Ceres above the Chicago Board of Trade and “Sears” Tower, plus killer sunset scenes to the west; and the Chase building and Trump Tower to the north.
I stop and talk to friends from different departments, fill up my tumbler from a different water dispenser, and check out new snack offerings in the kitchen.

Sometimes it’s difficult to get work done with these office views — but other times daydreaming out the window is a great little escape from the computer screen.
How does your team help you succeed?
The leadership team here values my opinion and has let me carve my own path. My job description has changed dramatically from when I was first hired, as the company has evolved and new members have joined the team. Our company’s core values are “learn, support, do,” and that’s something we all take to heart here. A lot of them have nominated me for the OfficeNinjas All-Star Award, which clearly falls under “support.”
During your time at your company, you have overseen the company growing from a team of 35 to 125. What factors contribute to maintaining culture during major growth periods?
I like to focus on keeping company traditions — trivia night, annual Chicago Cubs game, summer scavenger hunt — while adding in new ones as our employee population changes. New traditions include Bring-Your-Kids-to-WS day and World Cup game viewing parties.
Tricia knows *everyone’s* name. It may seem like a small thing, but it moves mountains in terms of building cohesive relationships across the agency. People feel seen by Tricia. Walker Sands has been steadily growing over the past few years, and we have a steady stream of interns and new hires joining our agency. Tricia goes out of her way to make them feel included and welcomed. – Amanda Blumeyer, Senior Account Manager

Tricia put up the top flyer and her creative and silly co-workers added the bottom one.
Where does your drive come from? What keeps you motivated?
I have Asian parents — ha! That sounds stereotypical, but I did grow up having to get the best grades, do all the extracurricular activities (like student government and sports), and work a part-time job. And it was great — I had the best childhood!
The drive to work hard and do my best has been instilled in me since college. I’ve been an employee of the month (or year) for almost every job that I’ve had, and getting those accolades keeps me going. Now, I have the added motivation to be a good example for my kids.
How do you see the admin profession evolving? What do you do to stay ahead of the curve?
There are several well-known companies who now describe their administrative staff as “business partners,” and that description really embodies how much this field has changed and where it is going. We are now seen as one of the most crucial parts of keeping a company running and a sounding board for the executives that we support.
I strive to be an expert in the areas that I touch. I’m not only the main contact for the building office and security desk, but I also know the exact square footage of our office, when our building was built (1981), and that it is LEED Gold Certified. I’m one of the administrators for our G-Suite office, so I’ve completed several tutorials through Google Cloud and Coursera. I also am one of the few folks who interacts with everyone and knows their name, along with the unique quirks of each department/team.
What is your greatest professional achievement?
The physical office space! I’ve managed three expansion build-outs over the past five years, doubling the footprint of our original floor plan to 22,000 square feet. I’m proud of the spaces we have thoughtfully added to make Walker Sands not only more sustainable, but also more productive, comfortable, and inclusive.
Some of these spaces include an additional mother’s room, casual collaborative seating areas, a creative studio, more phone/quiet rooms, and a larger kitchen cafeteria with high-tech AV for all-company events.
She is a powerhouse when it comes to the ins and outs of office expansion. She has led the expansion of our office three times since joining the team five years ago, working directly with the architects and contractors as they design the perfect space for our growing team and breaking down walls to make room. – Rachel Cullitan, Account Director
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What’s one thing you wish you knew that would have made the renovation process easier?
Now I know how to read plans and construction documents. It would have been helpful to have a quick tutorial before our first project started.
What are you most proud of outside of work?
My family: my husband, who is the hardest-working person I know, and my two rambunctious kids! I’m also a “Pinterest Mom” — I love sewing and crafting, and enjoy putting those skills to use for birthday parties or class Valentines, or custom WS kids shirts, or a computer monitor pinata when our IT guy got married.

Tricia says that being a working mom is the hardest and most rewarding job there is. But she wouldn’t trade that, or these cuties, for anything else in the world!
How do you balance work and personal life?
I’m pretty sure this is a trick question. As a working mom, it’s more of a work and home life “juggle,” not a balance. Sometimes a work ball will get thrown in and you have to drop a personal one that you’ll pick up at a later time. There are things that take precedence and won’t ever get dropped, like my son’s school performances or my daughter’s check-ups, along with important work events like a senior leader retreat or all-company meeting.
Tell us about spearheading your organization’s new family leave program.
Almost four years ago, my colleague and I were pregnant together and realized that the policy in place was outdated. We did our research, put together a deck with stats and infographics, and, with the support of our newly hired HR manager, did a presentation for the agency leaders.
We focused on the benefits for both sides involved and proposed a new version. Our company measures success as “Great Work – Happy Employees – Happy Clients – Happy Business,” and our suggestions would improve those “employee” and, subsequently, “business” aspects.
We now offer multiple mother’s rooms and a parents’ group, and the family leave policy was completely revised a couple of years later by my colleague (who has since become a partner and VP) when we were both pregnant again. We have also doubled the number of parents in our office (by hiring or new babies), and we like to think that it was because of this opportunity.
Trish was one of our first working moms and has forged a place for new moms (and dads) at WS to feel like they have the support of each other and the office. She’s advocated for more mother’s rooms and worked toward helping secure longer maternal and paternal leave policies. She’s a dedicated working mom who seamlessly balances two sweet babies and the needs of employees across three offices. – Adee Feiner, Digital Content Lead
What would you say are the top 3 traits of an OfficeNinjas All-Star?
Empathy: I have the trust and respect from my co-workers because I can empathize with their problems even though their jobs/situations are totally different.
Communication: You can be doing some amazing things for your office and staff, but if you can’t tell them exactly what you are doing, then it will be all for nothing.
Tenacity: I focus on having a great work ethic and getting things done no matter what.

Tricia and the Corporate Team celebrate winning the annual company costume contest. They performed a Hamilton-inspired ‘Ten Walker Sands Commandments’ skit complete with wigs and props.
What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?
My high school job was at a fast-casual restaurant (Zippy’s for anyone from Hawaii nei), and the older employees would tell me that there is always something to do. So even if we were just chatting during a slow period, we would still be folding to-go boxes, wiping tables, etc. I’ve carried that all throughout my life. Aside from having my daily to-do list, there is always a list of other projects to handle during my downtime.
How has your background in customer service and hospitality impacted you as an admin?
Aside from being able to keep a smile through any situation, that experience really prepares you for the worst of the worst. You learn to be quick-thinking and innovative in some crazy circumstances. I have enough stories to write a tell-all book! But you get through it, you learn, and you move on with a new trick/tip in your pocket.

Tricia takes a seat at the new bleacher section in Walker Sands’ kitchen cafeteria/event space, which was part of their most recent expansion construction project.
Office Ninjas often have tips/tricks of the trade. Any you care to share?
I set reminders/alarms for almost everything! On my work and personal Google Calendars, on the Reminder app on my phone, and on my Trello board for travel requests and operations. I’ve learned the hard way that if I don’t set a reminder, I’ll probably end up not completing the task. And yes, I did set a reminder to finish these interview questions on time!
How have you successfully planned company-wide team meetings, outings, and other events to include remote team members?
Currently, everyone in our company is working from home in response to the coronavirus.
Previously, we had a few regular remote employees, and allowed everyone in the office to WFH about once a week, so we had the tools and processes in place. But our current situation is unique, and we’re not used to being apart for so long, so we’ve been doing a few things to stay connected.
I am the point person between the city, our building management, security, and our office staff, so constant communication has been key these last weeks. I also worked in the hotel industry when 9/11 happened and that experience has really come in handy.
Our company president sends out a greeting email every morning that’s part company update, and part something productive, like WFH tips or inspiration. Our (corporate) team created a group G-Chat to check in with one another and share uplifting/funny things throughout the day. And I do a 1:1 with my administrative assistant at the beginning of each week, though we constantly G-Chat each other since we’re no longer sitting nearby.
Several of our teams started doing ‘Spirit Week’ (e.g. Pink Wednesday and Floral Friday, and it ended up expanded to the entire company! This week, we’re hosting a WFH Bingo (for a prize!), creative Zoom backgrounds competition, and a parents hangout.
Thanks, Trish, for reminding us that time is a Ninja’s most precious resource! How will you use yours to create a workplace that you love?

We commissioned an artist to hand letter and digitize a powerful mantra from today’s All-Star interview.
Tricia, you are an inspiration to us all. You deserved this award and more. Congratulations!
Slay on sister!
Empathy, Communication and Tenacity. Couldn’t agree more. Well done Tricia!
Congratulations, Trish! We should all aspire to your great work ethic. You go girl!!
Congratulations! I appreciate your sharing how you manage time. I am planning to take time to review and update the P&P manual i made i couple of years ago, in hopes that it will save time when things occur, there will be something in place we can follow instead of re-inventing the wheel every time.
Congrats on your win!!! and sharing helpful tips.
Congratulations Tricia! I love that your bosses gave the team a memorable moment! You are so right you do need to be ready to roll with the punches!
Sherri @ Maxim Integrated
Congratulations Tricia! Loved all your photos and stories. Hats off to you for updating maternity/paternity time off for your company. Thats a win/win for all! Now if we here in the U.S. can have it as good as those in other countries with 9 mos to a year off! Enjoy your name in the spotlights!
Congratulations Trish! I appreciate everything you’ve shared and especially setting reminders. I go back and forth on setting them and I inevitably miss something. It helps knowing that someone as successful as you are sets reminders for everything. Thanks for the inspiration!
Congratulations, Tricia! Running over to pinch provisions right now to buy out their store – thanks for the tip! LOL :) Sounds like your team knows who’s the boss around the office, and they don’t want to make you sad when carpet cleaning happens. Happy for you!
So awesome! Ho’omaika’i – congrats and many blessings! What a testament to your value. Love that your company appreciates you. Keep shining!
Thanks for sharing your tips and thoughts! Great inspiration!
To have your team feel seen by you… well THAT statement alone moves mountains! CONGRATULATIONS, TRICIA! You are obviously more than worthy of this recognition, and it’s an honor to be in the same group with you! Next time I’m in ChiTown (when this mess is over) I’ll be waving “up” to you like a fan girl – maybe with a chantilly cake in hand!!
OOoowee, Girlfriend! I care for a company of 53 teammates and I take a lot of pride of knowing their name and a quirk of each individual… I believe when we reach over 100, it’ll still be my thing. And holy wow do I WHOLLY agree with the (3) traits! Congratulations and what an inspiration, Tricia!! #badass #hiiiyah #alwayssomethingtodo
That is so encouraging to hear!
Congrats to you, Trisha! You’re an inspiration!
WOW Tricia, you are AMAZING!! Your team and family are so lucky to have you!! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations Tricia, you’ve achieved so much in your career, your story inspired me!
Congrats, Trish! What an exciting career. Thank you for your tips and awesome attitude.
I love your alarm setting to keep on track! I use Outlook and my “old-fashion” planner along with the alarms so I don’t miss anything. Your office looks fun. I can relate to the different hats you wear and some days are fuller with one job than another. I think a successful admin has to have a natural ability to do this.
Your family is so cute too! Thanks for sharing your story with all of us!
Congrats Tricia! Your background has certainly enriched your career and made you the rock star you have become!
I appreciate you taking to your time for this interview. I have been trying to get in to a position like this for many years. I come from a retail background and wanted to get out. I finally found a company who really opened their arms for me and have given me an open path. I also expect my title to change over time. My job isn’t even the same as the last person who was doing it. lol I feel encouraged by your experiences and in this time when we’re all at home (and I’ve only been here 4 mos), I feel added pressure to perform. It’s been tough, but I think I’ve found a great company who is open to being human. Best of luck in all of your ventures! :)
Finding the right company is key, but your retail experience will take you far! Best of luck on your endeavors!
Impressive and inspiring!
I’m fairly certain that I would love to work with you, Tricia! I also believe that Empathy is a critical trait to have when it comes to succeeding in our world. Congratulations on all of your fabulous accomplishments!
Congratulations Trish! I love that you’ve applied what you’ve learned from the hospitality industry to your admin role.
Awesome achievement Tricia! You’ve done a great deal and have proven you deserve this award.
Congrats Tricia, sounds well deserved! Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks. I like the top 3 traits you listed: Empathy, Communication and Tenacity, and strongly agree, very important!
Trish’s story is inspiring! It’s so good to be able to learn about other OfficeNinjas and read how they’re shaping their environments. Congrats on your All-Star status Trish!
Keep on rockin’ it!
Go Team!
This is an awesome community. Have now attended a local event and the yearly Admin Conference.
Congratulations! After reading all about you, I think it’s well deserved. I love the fact you know everyone’s name. That is something I am working on to build closer relationships with the team I am not always in office with.
Thank you for the encouragement through these articles! The thing I love about my job is helping other people be successful. In helping other succeed, I feel the success as well.
Inspiring interview and I love the hand lettered mantra at the end.
This is fantastic it is amazing how you find additional time to pursue your passions.
Love all of this! Congrats!
Trish sounds like an All-Star for sure! She is involved with everything from staying on top of the president’s calendar, to the office events, to getting the parental leave policy changed. It sounds like she doesn’t miss a thing! I love a good emergency provisions kit. That’s a necessity for every Office Ninja. Good work, Trish!
Congratulations, Tricia!
Congrats! My favorite thing about my job is the people too, they are so fortunate to have such an amazing admin like yourself.
Congratulations, Tricia! Thanks for sharing your story, your quote and your mini emergency kit!
What a tireless admin-mama. You go girl!
Congrats from Virginia!
You are a rock star! Kudos to you for being true to yourself and a hard worker!
Congratulations on another awesome achievement!
Congrats! Empathy and Commuication are key to any role. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations! I completely agree – there is always something to do.
Congratulations ALL STAR! It was so encouraging to read your story and I love the idea of “Spirit Week” to boost moral in the office! Thank you for sharing your experience, challenges and successes.
Congratulations Tricia! I loved what you said about your co-workers being your clients. What a great approach to the office ninjas profession! I wrote that down in my journal so I won’t forget.
Congratulations Trish! I love how well rounded you sound and how fun your office/team look. Well done on your achievements!
Great job Tricia! More power to you! Stay safe and sane
Way to go Tricia, well deserved!
You are a rock star! Great work!
Wow, very impressive! Love me some Zippy’s :) Congrats Trish!
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your very inspiring and motivating story.
Congrats Trisha! You are amazing.
Congratulations Tricia, well deserved! Loved reading your spotlight feature!
I love your mini emergency kit idea! So handy!
Congratulations Tricia! You are amazing and represent Assistants at their best!
Congratulations, Tricia! You are such an inspiration!
Hello Trish, and Congratulations!
You have provided so many valuable tips in your interview, and I appreciate that. One in particular that stands out for me is, …strive to be an expert in the areas that I touch. It’s one of my new mantras! Thank you and enjoy the recognition. You deserve it!
Congratulations! There are some great ideas here to engage employees. Very inspiring.
Way to go Trish! Amazing work!!
Very inspiring read :) keep up the phenomenal work!
I love how you engage with your team in fun and creative ways! Congrats on being an All-Star!
Congrats!!! Reminders are EVERYTHING.
I truly believe and follow, “There is always something to do”. Congrats Trisha!
Inspirational and very relatable, you go girl!
“I’ve managed three expansion build-outs over the past five years, doubling the footprint of our original floor plan to 22,000 square feet.” Hi Tricia, and congratulations! I’m totally impressed with your executed skill and prowess. A true Ninja!
Thank you Nancy!
The carpet cleaning sign is 100!
Congrats, Trish. Truly a Ninja!! I love the advice you received in high school…”there is always something to do”. This is always true in the life of an Executive Assistant, today more than ever. While working from home is an adjustment for many of us, there is always something to do!!
Congratulations, Tricia! Well done!
Congratulations! “there is always something to do!”
Great job and a great read! As someone who has only been an Office Coordinator for a year, this was super insightful. I love reading people’s personal practices and experiences and am always looking to try new things! Thanks so much!
I like the motto “my coworkers are my clients” that’s a great way to look at it! :)
Oh my gosh, I love that carpet cleaning sign! lol :D Congrats, Tricia!
What a powerhouse you are! I love how you use Trello and other reminders to keep on top of all you do. Thanks for being an inspiration!
Ho’omaika’i ‘ana!! Love the idea about calendar alarms. I do schedule all tasks but forget about the alarms.
Mahalo Kim! I learned my lesson the hard way – oops!
Congratulations! What great advice to get to know people personally – it can go so far!
I bet Trish is the kind of person who stays cool, calm and collected in any situation. Well done!
Way to go Tricia!
Contrats Tricia! I absolutely agree that working in customer service and hospitality lays the groundwork for success as an admin. It’s a combination of “the customer is always right, and “kill them with kindness” mentalities.
Our “top three traits” are strikingly similar!
P.S. Super jealous of that view!
**off to purchase my Pinch Provisions Minimergency Kit!**
Congratulations, Tricia! I appreciate the juggling metaphor – sometimes you can’t keep all the balls in the air, but you can always pick them up and start again.
Task-oriented Ambition = simultaneously taking on work construction AND home reno WHILE PREGNANT?!? Way to juggle, Tricia!!!
Congrats! The restaurant industry definitely prepares you to keep moving and doing!
Congrats Tricia! This award is very well deserved.
Congratulations Trisha! You’re a rockstar!
Congratulations! It’s so great hearing the stories behind so many amazing Ninjas!
Congratulations! You have an great story and it shows with the amazing work you do!
Congratulations Tricia! I love Pinterest too! It’s how I “level up” all of my events. I’m completely impressed with your management skills.
Congrats, Trish! You are the glue! Happy Admin Week!
I love this! We are totally the ‘glue’ – thank you, Rebecca!
So encouraging to hear from someone with split roles and still maintains sanity while being a mama! Such inspiration! Congrats on smoothly pivoting to WFH!
Way to go, Trish! You are quite an inspiration!
What a Rockstar! that view is awesome. I love that your company sends out updates daily with WFH tips or inspiration.
Congratulations Trish – well deserved! We are finding teleworking a challenge and even though we have an app to communicate, I think we all still feel somewhat unsettled. I appreciate you sharing the fun things that you are doing to stay connected and I will look to doing something similar with our Team! Happy Admin Professionals Week!!
Congrats & thank you for sharing your story of what has made you successful in your career, so many pointers to integrate into my work.
I completely agree with what you learned in high school. “There is always something to do.” Thanks for sharing your motto, tips, and successes!
Thank you for sharing how your company is handling the WFH. We are also running small games and I “host” (aka attend every week, it’s optional and people pop in and out) a happy hour for the ladies of our company. It’s nice to see that other office admins are focusing on keeping up company spirits as well. Congratulations on your accomplishments! You have done so much!
Congratulations Tricia! There are a few gems I will definitely be trying.
Congratulations Tricia! I love your comment about keeping a smile through any situation : )
Love this! Don’t let Trish down. I am using that on my team now.
Inspiring- way to go Trish!
Tricia sounds like a powerhouse, a true OfficeNinja! I’m going to “steal” some of her ideas!!
Okole maluna to you!
Haha! Mahalo, Lisa!
Congratulations! I loved reading about where your drive comes from. I have a similar story and relate very well to that!
“My co-workers are my clients.” Great motto! Congrats, Trish!
Congratulations Trish!
Love your ideas, congrats and thanks for sharing! Ninja Power!
I loved how you re-purposed time for fun and team building rather than just dropping the meeting.
Love the simplicity of your company values “learn, support, do” and yet they can be hard to bring to life – sounds like you manage to do it in spades! From your connections with people, to advocating for the parents in your company and influencing change, and just getting stuff done – way to go!
“There’s always something to do” is such a simple, yet timeless statement of wise words. I really appreciate Trish’s humbleness and remaining grounded. It is sometimes the worst jobs that teach us the most! Congratulations Trish, keep it up!
Congratulations Trish!
Thank you Tricia and congratulations!!! I really appreciated that you talked about work life balance as more of a juggle because a lot of people tell me there needs to be a hard line and for me it has never quite work out that way. So perfect way to say it!
Tricia you are true rockstar! I came from the hospitality background as well yet after reading your article has given me an extra push to do more in my role, thank you!
Trisha** (sorry!!)
Coming from the hotel industry has given me the best experience! Good luck with your path!
Way to go Trish! Congratulations!
Your company is lucky to have you! Congratulations, Tricia.
That’s so awesome you are creating Team building activities while everyone is WAH. That’s a hard area to get creative and you are killing it. Keep up the awesome work!
Wow Trisha I’m tired just reading the article. You have amazing capacity for organization and motivation. Love all the special touch as you apply to your home, work & family.
Congrats! You are an inspiration!
Congratulations on your award, Tricia. You sound like an amazing admin and person. Thank you for sharing about the minimergency kit, which I have never heard of before, but will certainly be purchasing!
Wow, way to rock it Tricia!
Congrats! Awesome that you were able to influence policy for new parents!
Congratulations Tricia. Great tips. I wish I had your energy.
Congrats! You are an inspiration!
Nicely done Tricia!
I do the same thing with reminders–there’s at least 5 reminders a day on my calendar, but it helps me get things done!
Great story!
Congratulations Tricia
Congrats, Tricia! I like how you set alarms/reminders for everything! I do the same thing and it makes a huge difference in productivity!
Creating a new family leave policy while pregnant is super inspiring!
Great article and tips Trish. Cheers and congrats on your recognition!
Well done! You are truly a Ninja!
Congrats! Love the Pinch Provisions Mini Kit. I’ve received these as gifts before but never thought of having it in office.
Congratulations Trish! I don’t know how you do it all with two young children at home to boot!
So proud to say I look up to my Trish as my rockstar Sis in Law! So well deserved!!
LOL! Family is the best! Thank you, Aubrey!
Her energy is amazing! Wish I had that view!!!
I love the motto “There is always something to do”
Welcome to the All-Star family!!! Congratulations on this recognition. You are definitely an inspiration to admins (and moms) everywhere!
Thank you Emily! It’s truly an honor!
Great write up! I love her perspective and drive!
Congratulations and wow! A mother of two young kids and a job like yours – are you the Energizer Bunny? I would love to can your energy!
This is the Admin I aspire to be! She’s like a Mom at work, home and everywhere in between. Tricia is truly a Rock All-Star!!!
Congrats – what an inspiration – keep up the great work!
Congrats! Keep up the great work! :)
Congrats! Keep doing what you do!
Congratulations! Great work and well done!
Woohoo! Great work! Happy Admin Week to all!
Great read! Wonderful!
She is AWESOME, the balancing of work, home life is a challenge within its self, however she makes the most of it and having fun doing it…Hats off to you!!!
Congrats, Tricia! I love the tenacity trait, and absolutely agree that customer service plays a big role in the administrative process. Great interview!
Tricia, you’re an inspiration to Ninjas everywhere! Plus, those office views!
Amazing Trish! Congratulations!
Congratulations Trish! I love the “there’s always something to do”. Great advice for slow times.
Wow Tricia, great office view! Congrats on being an all-star!
Very inspiring!!! Congrats!!!
I love that she acknowledged there’s no work-life balance. It’s a juggle! So true! Great interview!
Tricia is a “JILL” of all trades, she does it all…..way to go Tricia and congrats on the award.
Congrats! I like the idea of an office Spirit Week. And it really does sound like you could write a book – such a great interview.
Yesss! Reminders all the way. Way to go balancing everything!
Congratulations, Tricia!!! I love the emergency kit. I’m going to order one for my niece for her graduation since she already has a job right out of college. I think that is great idea to have one for myself as well. I have all the things but they are allover the place. I think empathy and communication are key to success. Congratulations again!!!
Congratulations on your well deserved recognition, Tricia!
Great interview. Love your office views and your inspiration!
Congrats! Very inspiring!
Congratulations Tricia!!!
Congratulations! You definitely deserve this recognition!
“I also am one of the few folks who interacts with everyone and knows their name, along with the unique quirks of each department/team.” I loved this! One of the best parts about being EA, OM, etc. is the opportunity to meet and interact with so many people.
Congratulations Tricia!! What a role model!
OMG, I am amazed at all that you have accomplished and juggle at all times. I wish you lived in Texas so we could meet. Keep inspiring others.
“There’s always something to do.” What great advice! Our support team has had some pockets of downtime with everyone working at home (few “drive by” assignments!) – I’m going to go build a list of things we can do during those lulls to make life better when we get back to the office!
Congratulations Tricia! You could make a fortune if you could bottle up some of your energy and sell it!
Wow, helping to shape a leave policy is really impressive!
Congratulations! Side note, you have a beautiful smile.
You sound like you could be my bff
Yay for kick-ass Moms everywhere!
Yes! High fives to all the working moms out there, especially during this situation.
Congratulations! You sure are well-rounded and balanced. Thanks for sharing!
Simply put, Tricia is a role model. She takes super-mom, super-admin, super-colleague to new levels. Congrats!
Congrats Trish! Definitely agree with your analogy of work/home life being a juggle, not a balance. Sometimes that extra ball does get thrown in and something has to drop – but never the most important things. :)
Very inspiring. Congrats, Trish!
Congratulations Trish!
Awesome article on this successful (and balanced!) Ninja! Truly an inspiration ~ I’ll take her story with me each day.
Congratulations! Some great advice in there, thank you for sharing
Congrats! Love and agree with “My co-workers are my clients” as the admin motto.
Congratulations! YES to smiling through it all – we can all relate and look back at many situations that now make us laugh.
Great energy from Tricia. Congratulations & continue being the true OfficeNinja you are.
Congrats! Thank you for the inspirational interview!
Congratulations Trish!!!
WOW! What an incredible interview. I love that your leadership has allowed you to “carve your own path”. You seem to “juggle” so many things professionally and personally and it inspiring to see! Spearheading your Family Leave Program is one of the many things you have done that will forever impact your colleagues AKA clients! So many good nuggets here. Off to purchase my minimergency kit now!
Thank you, Corina! So glad we in the same ‘class’ – go 2020 All-Stars!
Congrats! Good job.
I love Tricia’s comment…..roll with the punches! Congratulations!
Tricia has incredible energy and it shows. I also firmly believe in her philosophy that It’s all about prioritizing, multitasking, and rolling with the punches. I value my co-workers and want to help them all to succeed.
Way to go, Trish! Love the Minimergency kit!
Go Trish! I love your story and right there with you as a mom of two boys!
You are a rockstar and a real inspiration!
Congrats Trish! I too set reminders for everything!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Another Chicago All-Star!!! Congrats Trisha, well deserved!!! YOU are a rockstar :)
Yes! Keeping the Chicago tradition alive. Thank you, Nicki!
Real inspiration.
Congrats, Trish! I loved reading your interview – you truly embody the Office Ninja lifestyle!
Don’t Let Trish Down!! Love it. Congratulations on the All Star win!
Hah! I’m trying to use that energy to rally my office into doing a virtual spirit week this week. Thanks for the kudos, Ann!