Meet the First-Ever 2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Team: Maxim Integrated!

2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Team spokesperson Nancy Nordberg poses in her OfficeNinjas hoodie.

All-Star Ninja Team Snapshot

Ana Cunanan, Annabelle Olmo, Catherine Clemente, Elvia Marquez, Emily Diola-Cernal, Emma Miles, Estela Cota, Gina Barreras, Grace Pangilinan, Jacqueline Dupont, Jesielyn Enopia, Kathleen Robinson, Kristy Wolk, Lisa Milanes, Nancy Nordberg, Sherri Rudd, Simon Perry, Tiffany McClain, Tonya Carter, Vanessa Castro, and Vickie Jette

Maxim Integrated in San Jose, CA

Fun Fact
Every year, the admin team presents an Honorary Assistant Award to one non-admin Maxim employee who provides outstanding support to the assistant community.

For every Ninja who’s operating as a department of one and crushing it, there’s a team of admins who are using their collective energy and resources to lead an organization. That’s why we chose to launch a brand new award category this year: OfficeNinjas All-Star Team!

Collaboration takes work. In addition to self-awareness and emotional intelligence, it requires solid business skills, like negotiation, project management, and communication. The admin team at Maxim Integrated in San Jose, California, have all this and more. How else could over 20 (!) Ninjas work internationally and across multiple time zones to create career training opportunities, leadership programs, and inter-company awards just for Maxim admins?

These teammates are an inspiration! And, lucky for us, they’re sharing the blueprint for admins who are eager to harness the power of their fellow Ninjas.

Enjoy our Q&A with Nancy Nordberg, Executive Assistant to the CEO, on behalf of the admin team from Maxim Integrated!

A screenshot of Maxim Integrated Admins participating in a remote team building game presented by The Go Game.

Maxim Integrated Admins connect across time zones and celebrate their 2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star win during a fun(ny) remote team building game presented by The Go Game.

How long has your current team worked together?

We are going on our fourth year.

Tell us about the craziest project you have ever had to collaborate on.

Our team hosts our annual Assistant Excellence Conference, multiple awards programs, and monthly educational meetings. So, needless to say, we are always crazy busy!

It takes a lot of passion and cross-collaboration to produce so many events in a year, but we’ve built a culture of cooperation within and across the assistant team so working together on separate projects but to a common goal is part of the fabric of our team.

What’s your favorite part of your admin team?

We respect one another. We know each other. And we agree that it’s okay if you don’t know what you don’t know.

We’ve done extensive outreach to create a fully engaged admin team — we do not work in isolation. The domino effect is that we know each other, we understand each other’s personalities, stresses, and successes.

We’ve organically nurtured an environment of safety. You can say you need help. You can say you don’t understand. You can say you’ve never heard of something. You can say that you’re behind.

Mutual respect reigns.

Maxim Integrated CEO and members of the Admin team pose for a group photo during a monthly education event.

What’s one tradition that your team has?

We have a few special traditions.

Do You Know is our monthly lunch and learn event co-lead by admin team members Jacqueline Dupont and Ana Cunanan. Each lunch and learn consists of two educational presentations — we’ve explored a variety of business and company culture topics — and each one is an incredible learning experience.

Do You Know is attended by ~30 assistants, our speakers, and a slew of internal guests, including our CEO, Chief Human Resources Officer, and other executives. And our global assistant team doesn’t have to miss out! We have each event professionally recorded and shared with them.

Speaking of our global assistant team — at our yearly Assistant Excellence Conference, we celebrate our HQ assistants (we have 30 at our HQ in California) with an elegant lunch and inspiring and informative speakers. But we also have 47 assistants who are located around the U.S. and internationally. Since our remote team members cannot attend, we’ve made it tradition to send each of them a “thank you” gift for being an important part of Maxim Integrated’s success.

Another tradition that is so important to us is our presentation of the annual Honorary Assistant Award. This award honors a non-assistant Maxim employee who best exemplifies the attributes of a highly successful assistant and provides outstanding support to the assistant community. In previous years, we’ve presented the award to an IT helpdesk employee, a facilities manager, and an HR manager from the Philippines!

This person is nominated by the global assistant community and selected by a panel of admin judges, coordinated by admin team member Lisa Milanes. The winner receives a certificate of recognition and a beautiful trophy with their name and title, and the inscription: In appreciation for your dedication to our Maxim Assistant community.

This award is so well received, and everyone involved believes in what it represents. It is a high honor to be an assistant!

Maxim Integrated’s SVP & General Counsel Ed Medlin announces the 2018 Honorary Assistant Award winners in front of an attentive audience.

Maxim Integrated’s SVP & General Counsel Ed Medlin announces the 2018 Honorary Assistant Award winners, an annual awards program created by the Admin Team to recognize non-admin colleagues for their outstanding collaboration.

How do you respond when a member of your admin team is stressed or upset at work?

We have a tremendous advantage — we know each other, which has cultivated an environment that encourages communication. Since I understand my teammates, I can comfortably ask, “Are you okay? Do you need a moment?” The response is often, “Do you have a minute?” or, “Things aren’t so great.”

We work hard to build our communication and relationships with each other so that it’s safe to ask and to share.

How does your company set your team up for success and help you grow together?

In part, our success is inspired from the top down. Our CEO Tunc Doluca, requested in my 2011 annual review that I “become the assistants’ advocate and take them to the next level.” And our company has backed me up by funding resources for professional development through a number of programs.

Recently, Mr. Doluca challenged Maxim assistants to grow their business acumen. Once again, the company is funding budget programs that meet the challenge. Our monthly Do You Know lunch and learn has carried the torch, with topics that focus on understanding business processes. Meanwhile, our One Maxim Meeting Recap program specifically teaches Assistants about Maxim’s business.

Mr. Doluca has set an expectation of growth and development. And, because there is a lot to managing a budget, our budget team has a finance partner who provides guidance throughout the year.

I had the pleasure of presenting a topic at one of the “Do You Know” workshops. They set up prep meetings to go over details and dry runs to make sure I had everything I required and felt very comfortable prior to standing in front of everyone. They’re very considerate, encouraging, and compassionate. – Kathleen Robinson, Executive Assistant

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How do the members of your team motivate each other?

We say “thank you” and recognize a job well done, both verbally and in emails. It may sound like a small thing, but it isn’t. “Thank you!” and “Great job!” go a long way. Being appreciated just feels good.

A collage of Maxim Integrated Admin Team members striking a Ninja pose.

Members of Maxim Integrated’s Admin Team strike their fiercest Ninja pose.

How do you see the admin profession evolving? How does your team stay ahead of the curve?

As a recent article in the Wall Street Journal stated, “The canning jobs are gone.” Going forward, top-level assistants must be able to demonstrate administrative chief-of-staff skills. Newcomers to the profession will need a business degree or an appropriate degree that aligns with business comprehension.

Our team stays ahead of the curve through our development programs and networking with other companies. Both keep us up to date on what current and future expectations are within our career field. They keep us relevant.

What are your greatest professional achievements as a team?

Securing an $80,000 budget in 2018, to fund production of our Assistant Excellence Conference, various awards programs, and a slew of successful global growth initiatives designed to up-level our team’s talents and skills.

But it didn’t happen overnight. In 2015, when the assistants at Maxim Integrated’s headquarters in San Jose, California, decided to hold our first Assistant Conference (renamed Assistant Excellence Conference in 2016), we had no money to fund the event. So, we decided to go to the head of each business unit and functional department in our organization to ask for $300. It was a rigorous exercise in sales and negotiation!

Even though we had an extremely modest budget, we persevered and hosted our first conference on National Administrative Assistants Day in 2015. And despite the no-frills experience, what happened during the speakers’ sessions was amazing. We expected to hear professional advice on growing our careers, but they gave us so much more. And we knew we had created something special.

Petitioning and negotiating other business units for funds worked well enough and we landed bigger contributions each year — but we knew that securing our own designated programs budget would be a game-changer for our global admin team. So, in 2018, we worked hard to familiarize ourselves with the company’s formal budget proposal and approval process, meticulously prepared our presentation — and got funded!

Maxim Integrated Admins attend a speaker panel at the Assistant Excellence Conference in 2018.

Maxim Integrated Admin team members build their skills and get inspired at the annual Assistant Excellence Conference in 2018, hosted by Maxim’s Admin Leadership Team.

How do you cultivate your friendship outside of work?

Outside of the office, we like to participate in volunteer activities together when possible. A couple of our favorites are the ASPCA pet shelter in Milpitas, where we sterilize toys, fold blankets, and play with the kitties and puppies; and the Good Sam Cancer Center where we contributed to the blanket drive and assembled cancer-care kits.

How does your team embrace company culture?

We live the company values:

  • Be Bold. We’ve asked for professional development programs and the budgets to fund them.
  • One Maxim. We are global-centric; we have consistent communication with our non-HQ locations.
  • Reach Higher. Our budget-funded programs provide in-house development training for assistants globally.
  • Be the Difference. Our team speaks up, asks for what it needs, and executes on ideas and “what ifs.”
A second collage of Maxim Integrated Admin Team members striking a Ninja pose.

Maxim Integrated’s Admin team members are serious Office Ninjas and not to be trifled with.

How has company growth impacted your team?

With company growth has come larger individual organizations, which each assistant must support. Hence, there are more eyes on the assistant team. Each of us faces a larger group audience, which has challenged us to step up our game.

How does your team prepare for growth?

Maxim assistants have access to company-funded development programs, as well as budget and project management training. Our budget process requires us to look to the future and consider factors that will impact our internal and external spending.

Our buddy onboarding process for new assistants ensures new colleagues come up to speed fast on programs, procedures, and policies so they can quickly support their manager and organization through the ever-present changing times.

What inspires a healthy relationship between an executive and an admin?

Every manager-assistant relationship is different but, in all relationships, communication is key:

  • Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with your manager
  • Campaign for a seat at the table
  • Communicate on a business level. In other words, be ready to suggest solutions to problems and provide data to support your ideas and plans

We also have our assistants complete a personality style assessment with their managers so that they have a better understanding of how to communicate most effectively with each other.

How do you encourage more executives to utilize their EAs as strategic partners?

We create opportunities for executives and managers to learn more about the future of the EA role. For example, in our upcoming Assistant Excellence Conference (AEC), one of our assistants will be speaking on the advantages of building strategic partnerships. The audience will be filled with VPs and above. Some managers will be hearing about this topic for the first time.

And in our Star Achievement program, we design interactive activities for managers and assistants to do together. These activities illustrate to the assistant and the manager the myriad possibilities for increasing productivity in an expanded EA role.

Office Ninjas often have tips and tricks of the trade. Any you care to share?

Make it a priority to provide leadership and teamwork training, think globally — and when in doubt, go to the experts!

We tap the talents of our worldwide assistants when launching programs to get differing perspectives. We look to our Learning and Development organization for advice on development initiatives and leadership coaching. And when we wanted to start funding our Assistant Excellence Conference with our own budget rather than petition for funds from other groups, we reached out to CHRO Laura Owens, who assigned a finance business partner to educate and guide us through Maxim’s formal budget process and approval, helping us land our 80K budget.

Learning is a long-term relationship and a crucial part of our team’s success.

When a passionate call for administrative upskilling is met with executive approval and an $80K budget, you know you’re dealing with an All-Star team! Thanks, Team Maxim Integrated, for showing us what collaboration looks like in action.

A hand-lettered digital graphic created exclusively for the 2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Awards, featuring the quote, “Mutual Respect Reigns.”

We commissioned an artist to hand letter and digitize a powerful mantra from today’s All-Star interview.

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Delta Air Lines
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Delta Air Lines


  1. This sounds like a wonderful group and a terrific company. I love that the company has admins of all ages. I’m in my 50’s and I feel like people overlook me. Congratulations!

  2. Love this “Honorary Assistant Award” – How can I get the criteria you use to implement at my workplace?!

  3. I absolutely adore the ninja pictures! Keep rocking it!!

  4. Sherri @ Maxim Integrated

    I work with the best group of Executive Assistants ever and now the world knows it. Thank you Office Ninja’s for acknowledging us! Happy Professional Admins Day, Week, Month to each and every one of you out there! Stay Healthy and Safe!

  5. Congratulations Team! I wish our company had something like that!

  6. Thank you to everyone that took the time to post a comment. It is so refreshing to work for a company that supports those that support the company! You can not have a good structure without a good foundation and Maxim really recognizes what we do to “support” the company. I feel like I work with a group of friends and look forward to our meetings. I feel that I am valued, that I have a voice and that I add value. Thank you, Office Ninjas for recognizing us, I feel like a celebrity!

  7. Congratulations! Well earned reward. I love how your CEO supports you.

  8. Sounds like a truly empowering and encouraging group of admins – love this! Congrats on the well-deserved recognition. What an inspiration!

    1. Thank you everyone! Our Maxim Integrated Assistant Budget Team has been virtually “high five-ing” and walking on air since our Team award was announced. We’ve been reading the responses and are absolutely delighted with the congratulations, thoughts, and insights posted regarding our Team. Each of you has added to our excitement regarding winning this prestigious Award! We are absolutely over-the-top thrilled!

  9. Congratulations on leading the way in the Administrative profession. You truly show how important the executive-administrative partnership can be.

  10. Glad to see the team is still going strong! Missing all of you Maximites! Happy Admin week to all of you and congratulations on a job well done!

    1. Kinsie! How fantastic to see your name!! Thank you so much and a very happy admin week to you also! I’m going to share your response with the entire HQ team–they will love it!

  11. Congratulations Maxim Team! It’s great to hear how open the executive team is to giving y’all a seat at the table. I can’t wait to get my exec team on board!

  12. Congratulations Team Maxim! I love the team spirit, collaboration, open communication and level of respect everyone has for each other. The work applied to make there managers and department look good is recognized by those supported and that is a gratifying feeling to know you are appreciated, keep up the great work!

  13. Wow 80k budget! Way to keep pushing. Sounds like an amazing event!

  14. Congrats on the All Star title! What a great team. My office is fairly small and theres only a couple of us running the office at the moment. So its great to see such a large team come together and build a bond to reach the same goals. Maxim is lucky to have you all! Woo!!

  15. Congratulations Nancy! I love the fact that the admin team at Maxim have that mutual respect for each other! That speaks volumes and undoubtedly why you all are an all-star team!

  16. Congratulations! I love how your company stands by “Be the Difference. Our team speaks up, asks for what it needs, and executes on ideas and “what ifs.”’

    This makes it support the growth and achievements of a team like yours!

  17. Congrats, all! Looking fierce and strong!

  18. Congrats! Sounds like an incredible team across the board! Love those fierce ninja poses!

  19. Congratulations, team Maxim! A inspirational display of teamwork and collaboration!

  20. Congratulations!!! Loved reading about the team work, respect and opportunity that comes from being one of your teammates. Truly these are characteristics of what is considered stellar! Sounds like a team I’d want to join. Keep up the good work.

  21. This is fantastic! What a fabulous team building result. Congrats.

  22. Congratulations to the whole team! Your focus on training and developing relationships between executives and their admins is fabulous!

  23. Congratulations to your awesome team! I was inspired by your message of mutual respect “We’ve organically nurtured an environment of safety. You can say you need help. You can say you don’t understand. You can say you’ve never heard of something. You can say that you’re behind.

    Mutual respect reigns”, I hope this line of thinking can be brought to my administrative team.

  24. Super excited for admin week! Sorry we don’t get to share it with in San Francisco……2021 will be awesome

  25. Great article. I like the relationship building tips!

  26. I love that you respect one another, know each other, and we agree that it’s okay if you don’t know what you don’t know. Such a non-threatening culture!

  27. It is great that they have collaborated, and have such passion. I love the saying “It’s Ok if you Don’t know”

  28. Congratulations, Maxim Integrated All-Stars!!! This does not seem to be sufficient or do justice to the absolutely awesome community that the admins have created at Maxim Integrated. Their collaboration, cooperation and communication that is inclusive is a testament to their success and growth. You are truly an inspiration and you all absolutely ROCK!

  29. Congratulations Team Maxim! Thank you for sharing your idea of celebrating those who support the corporate EAs. If I can’t send a trophy to the 3 people that came to mind as I read this article— I CAN send notes of gratitude. And perhaps next year our EA team can vote & award a support person with a beautiful trophy.

  30. Congrats, keep up the amazing work you’re doing, and thank you for sharing!

  31. Congratulations on your All Star Achievement! Truly an inspiration.

  32. Congratulations. I love that you own and embrace the things that you don’t know and that its ok to not know things.

  33. Congratulations on your All Star Achievement!! I like that your team cultivates their friendship outside of work by volunteering together. I think that if that was something I could incorporate with my team it would be a great idea because we can even the kids can get involved!

  34. Congratulations! An inspirational team for sure!

  35. Congratulations! I love the way you seek out experts for continuous learning!

  36. Congratulations! What an amazing team you have created and cultivated. I love that you not only work together to learn and grow, but that you also include executives.

  37. BRAVO All-Star TEAM!!! Your creativity and inspiring culture shot you to the moon! Keep on reaching for the stars :D

  38. What a great team dynamic! Congrats!

  39. I love that you know each other well enough to reach out, listen & help when you notice someone is not on their game. Great job!

  40. Congrats!!! Loved the idea of completing a personality style assessment with managers to learn how to communicate more effectively with each other — it would be a valuable learning experience!

  41. Love how you award honorary assistants, it’s a great incentive for those surrounding us to work as a team!

  42. Congrats! I think it’s amazing the support your group has and that you know you can trust members of your group!

  43. Beyond honored to be a part of this wonderful team. Thank you OfficeNinjas for recognizing us!

  44. I love this, and appreciate the tip so that we can work to add this to our team as well: “We’ve organically nurtured an environment of safety. You can say you need help. You can say you don’t understand. You can say you’ve never heard of something. You can say that you’re behind.”

    Sounds like a superfun team!

  45. Congratulations 2020 All-Star Team! The Maxim Integrated company values and emphasis placed on Administrative Upskilling speaks volumes. All the best!

  46. Congrats Maxim! This is very inspiring! It gets me thinking on how we can scale and grow our team culture!

  47. Congratulations on being recognized as the OfficeNinjas All-Star Team! I love that you all take the time to acknowledge non-admin colleagues who are important collaborators to the group! That is an awesome idea.

  48. We have offices all over and we are working to keep the admins together and focused. You folks give me hope that it have be done and done well! The need to take time for ourselves so we can better support others is so important!

  49. Wow, this article has given me a lot to think about. At my company we have about 10 admins in the Lehi, UT Office but our parent company all over the world has so many others. I am hoping we can do more things to strengthen our bond with our sister and brother admin’s all over the organization.

  50. Congrats, Maxim – what an inspiring article! I try to “Be the Difference” everyday and can’t say enough about the importance of sharing appreciation throughout the workplace. Thank you, Office Ninjas, for sharing this great interview.

  51. Congratulations on being the recipient of the OfficeNinjas All-Star TEAM Award! I absolutely love that you all are a fully integrated administrative team. So often as admins working on various projects we end up working in isolation. It appears you all have found a way to help one another on a daily basis. Kudos to you!

  52. I love that you recognize other on your team and communicate. That is something I am striving to do.

  53. Congrats to all! Truly an all star team!

  54. That is a company that cherishes it employees 100%. That is awesome

  55. I love your “Mutual Respect Reigns” motto – you really do honor and encourage each other to excellence!

  56. Congrats! Love the Honorary Assistant Award!

  57. I want to be a part of cultivating a dynamic administrative team, like these people. Talk about passion and purpose! Love it.

  58. I appreciated reading your thoughts about the future of EA work and how to build strategic partnerships. Thanks so much for sharing!

  59. I love that you focus on creating a safe space where people can admit when they don’t know something. What a way to encourage and foster growth!

  60. I just read this week an article in Harvard Business Review about the Chief of Staff position, so it is encouraging that you mention that here. I think it is where the profession is going and I’m getting ready to pursue a Masters in Organizational Leadership to enhance my skills and push through to the next level! Congrats and have a great weekend!

  61. Incredible! Such an inspiring work environment – thanks for sharing!

  62. Congratulations! I love the Ninja poses, and the fact you got the company owner to buy in on professional development for your admin team.

  63. “we do not work in isolation” is my favorite part of this…if your team can work together rather than in isolation you’re one step close to success!

  64. Way to go! I really appreciate how you all have taken the time to really get to know your teammates. I am missing my weekly lunches with my team and have taken them virtual for the time being. Keep up the good work!

  65. Love the Do You Know lunch series, would love to start/attend something like this virtually with other Ninjas from other companies :)

  66. Wow, they have such an inclusive and awesome working environment. Congratulations Maxim Integrated! Keep up the great work!

  67. Congrats! Love the Honorary Assistant Award – phenomenal!

  68. Way to go guys! You deserve the recognition – you earned it!!

  69. Congrats to each of you! Well deserved… Each of your answers to the questions were so inspiring and had so much creativity that it has given me ideas on how I can work closer with the management team in my office. Our team is always open to suggests, so thank you.

  70. I advocate for this with my own team and am trying to adopt it for the entire organization – “We also have our assistants complete a personality style assessment with their managers so that they have a better understanding of how to communicate most effectively with each other.”

  71. What great team work internationally. Love the environment of safety, building communication and relationships with each other both in the office and out.

  72. Loved the article, thoughtful questions and very helpful answers. As one of an 8 person EA team (who are not all in one office) – I love the fact that you included a Team category this year as sometimes operating as a team can be trickier than operating solo.

  73. I appreciate how the ON articles and communications provide real, applicable solutions that we can actually use and that apply to our day to day work issues and solutions. Thanks ONinjas for your passion and dedication.

  74. “Be Bold. We’ve asked for professional development programs and the budgets to fund them.”
    100%. Love this!! Keep it up and keep influencing other orgs.

  75. Congratulations! I love this – “We work hard to build our communication and relationships with each other so that it’s safe to ask and to share.” What a powerful statement!

  76. Congratulations! You all are doing a fantastic job staying connected.

  77. It is so important to work together and not in isolation! “The domino effect is that we know each other, we understand each other’s personalities, stresses, and successes.”

  78. I loved this phrase, that the team uses: Mutual respect reigns

    So true!

  79. Hooray! All the best to you! It’s inspiring to hear how truly knowing each other leads to excellence.

  80. Nice work! And bravo on the buddy onboarding process, so helpful to always have a go-to person

  81. I love the idea of a monthly Do You Know lunch and learn – admins come from all kinds of different backgrounds, and don’t always fully understand the business that they support. An educated admin is an empowered admin – someone that can leverage their understanding of the company will undoubtedly offer business insights and opportunities for improvement, and become an administrative PARTNER rather than ASSISTANT.

  82. Congrats All Star Team! Love the photos!

    We live the company values:

    My biggest takeaway was the incredible values that you live by in your company culture! Something every company/organization should strive for!

  83. Congratulations Team!!!! What a great group of people. I know you will do a great job as a team. I enjoyed reading your article.

    1. Congratulations!!
      My biggest take away and favorite part was that you say that is okay to not know what you don’t know. That is excellent. Everyone doesn’t know everything but as a team, you can know a lot.

  84. Congratulations for an awesome team.

  85. “We’ve organically nurtured an environment of safety.”

    What a beautiful statement and so crucial to a great work place. I’m sure the team members show up ready to go everyday. I would!

  86. Congratulations Maxim Integrated! “Mutual Respect Reigns” is a spectacular mantra!

  87. Congratulations! Thank you for demonstrating excellence in teamwork and collaboration. Sharing your talents for a common goal and achievement is an asset to any company.

  88. Way to go team! Love the mutual respect and honor that is seemingly shared throughout! Well deserved!

  89. Congrats! I really liked the “Do You Know” Lunch and Learn concept.

  90. Congratulations! Volunteering as a team is a great idea.

  91. Congratulations on the recognition! My biggest take-away: “We work hard to build our communication and relationships with each other so that it’s safe to ask and to share.”

    Keep up the great work!

  92. Congratulations! You deserve it all! I love how your company not only supports your team but encourages the level of recognition administrative professionals should have the world over.

  93. Congratulations, Maxim team ALL STARS! The professional development in budget and project management is fantastic! Well done!

  94. Thank you beautiful Office Ninja All-Star Team. I have so been looking forward for this week to begin and looking forward to learning more online.

  95. You all are doing a fantastic job staying connected, collaborating and having fun while doing so! There’s so much to learn from this group.

  96. CONGRATULATIONS!!! The Maxim team has it ALL figured out, but the thing that rang a huge bell and made ALL the lights go off is this… “it’s okay if you don’t know what you don’t know”. How phenomenal is that?? My take away also was that this team doesn’t celebrate what we do once a year, twice a year, or even five times a year. They celebrate and recognize their admins EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR! In fact this team is so strong I almost thought the company was all about the admins and forgot what it is the corporation does. HA! What a refreshing and incredibly encouraging read. THANK YOU!

  97. Campaigning for a seat at the table has taken me so far in my career. Awesome Job!

  98. Congrats!! You truly embody “Teamwork makes the Dreamwork”!

  99. Congratulations! What an inspiration, thank you Office Ninjas!

  100. Congrats all-stars! I love your team’s focus on support whether that’s through a check-in or supporting their development through lunch and learns and training. As my team grows, I hope to provide the same level of development and support your team provides!

  101. Congratulations, what an honor!

  102. Thanks so much for all your hard work! I appreciate the bold moves you all are making to raise awareness about how critical these roles are, and helping us elevate our roles and skill sets to new levels. Cheers to you all!

  103. I love the fact that you use Thank You to motivate the staff. I also love that you recognize how complex our positions are becoming.

  104. I love that “Mutual respect reigns” in a team environment this is crucial. Kudos!

  105. Congratulations!! And thank you OfficeNinjas!

  106. Congrats! Love the photos and how well you are honored each year.

  107. Congratulations on winning Maxim! Love this… “It takes a lot of passion and cross-collaboration to produce so many events in a year, but we’ve built a culture of cooperation within and across the assistant team so working together on separate projects but to a common goal is part of the fabric of our team.”

  108. Congratulations to this amazing team! Taking the time to check in with one another and simply asking “Are you okay?” seems so small but makes such a huge impact. Job well done!

  109. Major congrats to the Maxim Integrated EA team! I loved reading about your team spirit and how you all are upleveling each other. Cheers!

  110. Congrats! Loved that you called out fighting for a seat at the table. That has kept our admins engaged as our company grows and changes.

  111. Keep up the great teamwork!

  112. Sounds like a fantastic group of NINJAS!! I love the motto of mutual respect! Keep up the good work!

  113. Nice Job Maxim your assistants are the true definition of NINJAS. I love when we all support each other for the growth and support of the company but for ourselves as well. Keep up the great work.

  114. Your team is inspiring!
    I particularly aspire to create the dedicated level of communication and relationships you have with each other. Having open and safe space for everyone is difficult to achieve!

  115. Congrats to all you Ninjas! Keep up the good work, and hang in there!

  116. Congrats, Ninjas! Love reading about all the ways you’ve developed stronger communication and skills with each other and the executives you support. Well deserved!

  117. Love this idea that you do at your company!

    Fun Fact
    Every year, the admin team presents an Honorary Assistant Award to one non-admin Maxim employee who provides outstanding support to the assistant community.

  118. Congratulations! Such great work and wonderful tips that all admins can use!

  119. Way to go! What an amazing team! So much inspiration here!

  120. Maxim Assistants you should be extremely proud for all you have achieved in such a short time. You are truly an All Star team. I agree that collaboration, cultivating relationships, and good communication are key factors that strengthen a team to be the best they can be.

  121. Nancy, your 2011 feedback resonated with me so much. Thank you for being an advocate to not only the Maxim team, but to all EAs inspired by this! Congrats Team Maxim!

  122. Congrats! What an awesome Ninja team! Love the lunch and learn idea.

  123. Wow! You’re all incredible! Very inspiring read and Congratulations! My favorite takeaway is how Mr. Toluca set the bar for a great challenge to help his executive admin team to grow successfully, giving them a sense of the ownership they truly deserve. Well done!

  124. Congrats Maxim! Way to represent the Bay Area!

  125. Congrats to this amazing Ninja team!! My favorite take away is that by motivating and praising each other, you’re building an amazing bond with each other! This in turn helps create a positive team culture. Such a great team to aspire to be like!

  126. Congrats! It really sounds like you have a wonderful team that has learned to utilize your resources to create opportunities for your Admins to learn and grow, which will ultimately help the company be successful.

  127. Well that’s an inspirational level of collaboration! Way to go!

  128. Congrats! Sounds like you have a great team and are working to make each person’s role in the company vital. Keep up the good work.

  129. Love that youextend your positivity outside the organization with cultivating your friendship outside of work by participating in volunteer activities together when possible!

  130. Frequent one on one meetings are key to a wonderful relationship with my boss!

  131. Congratulations, Maxim Integrated! What an incredible group to kick-off the inaugural All-Star Team award AND Administrative Professional Week!

  132. Huge congratulations to Maxim! Genuinely loved the idea of the Do You Know lunch and learn event. This something I do during my personal time with my friends, so it’d be great if my company could integrate this as well!

  133. Congratulations! What an inspiration!!!

  134. Congratulations, Maxim Integrated! You’ve set the bar high, and I truly appreciate this. The key takeaways for me are respect for one another, being bold and thinking higher, as well as the great reminder to come to the table with solutions and data. I appreciate the lessons in this article to help us grow!

  135. Congrats! My favorite takeaway here is that communication is key. I think it can be easy to forget that when we’re so busy with the everyday tasks. However, communication makes working together as a team so much more effective!

  136. I think it is great that you all do an honorary assistant award, great to recognize those who also support you.

  137. Congratulations All Star Team! I love the idea of an Honorary Assistant Award. Any good assistant knows it takes a village and it is important to acknowledge those that help us along the way.

  138. An internal assistant network is so essential. I wish more organizations would realize it’s value.

  139. Congratulations! Keep up the great work!

  140. Congratulations, you are truly an example of a great partner and Leader! Way to go!

  141. Congratulations to you all! Reading this article made me miss being part of an admin team! I loved how you said “Mutual respect reigns” because that’s so true in our field. Although I’m an admin team of one, I have plenty of takeaway’s from this article and look forward to applying them

  142. Congratulations to the admin/assistant team at Maxim and to their leadership for understanding how vital this role is in a healthy business. I love seeing a whole team celebrated!! So many of us battle on each day often feeling alone or isolated and I was really encouraged hearing about a team who respect and support each other as well as help out their counterparts. Keep up the good work and keep sharing your advances for other companies to see and follow your example.

  143. Wow! The amount of effort it takes to run regular lunch and learns PLUS a conference is impressive!! Great job prioritizing your development.

  144. Congrats to the Maxim Integrated Admin Team! This article is so amazing and am truly honored to know so many of you in person. Love the mutual support and respect you all have for each other.

  145. What a fun team! I love that you recognize the needed education and way that assistant are evolving in business.

  146. This team embodies mutual respect and positivity. A lot to learn here!

  147. Congratulations! Thank you all for sharing this example. We need more of this in our work life. Take care of each other. Lift each other up and learn together. Love that!

  148. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MAXIM INTEGRATED ADMIN TEAM!!! This article inspired me to step up my game in my firm – to become the business partner to my manager and the partners, principals, and managing directors for my firm.
    Thanks again for a great article. Truly appreciate it.

  149. I love how you all support each other and how your company invests in its admin staff!!!

  150. Congrats to the team. Love the positive reinforcement. We need more of that in the working world!

  151. I love the idea of giving an admin award to someone outside of the admin team as an appreciation! What a great idea!

  152. I like that the Maxim assistant’s community culture of Mutual Respect Reigns is inclusive of space for everyone to say “whoa…slow down.” No need to burn energy faking it or pretending to be with it — everyone can ask for clarity and get what they need to keep moving forward.

    >>>You can say you need help. You can say you don’t understand. You can say you’ve never heard of something. You can say that you’re behind.

  153. What a great way to support and respect each other.

  154. I love the Honorary Assistant award! The fact that this is such an honor shows the respect and appreciation Maxim has for its assistants. Having strong, business-savvy assistants is clearly part of the culture of this company. Congratulations!

  155. Congratulations. I love how they all come together and support one another in all endeavors.

  156. Congratulations! Great advice on inspiring a healthy relationship between an executive and an admin.

  157. Congratulations! The Assistants Excellence Conference sounds like a fantastic event for your team. I’d like to know more about the topics discussed.

  158. Congrats to the team!! I love the “Do you Know” idea and the conference that you put on. These are both ideas I will take back to my team :)

  159. Congrats Maxim! I absolutely love the idea of the ‘annual Honorary Assistant Award’. We all know how more often than not, it takes a village; I want to implement this!

  160. Excellent work forging a positive path for Assistants at your company! You are a team of inspiration!

  161. Love how they work together and “Mutual respect reigns” is awesome!

  162. Loving the awards ceremony for allies and supporters!

  163. How exciting! I love that “Mutual respect reigns.” A must for making progress as a team!

  164. I loved getting to read about this awesome Team! The line “Mutual respect reigns” really struck me — that is just so true!!

  165. Congratulations team Maxim! I’ve always believed in building connections with your team is the most important part of productivity and working together, but the biggest takeaway from this is to never stop learning, never stop growing, and continuously be there for each other and appreciate one another. Great article and great work!

  166. Love the team effort and commitment by all. Congrats are well earned and deserved!

  167. This is Fabulous! Way to go team!! I love the lunch and learn and so many other good ideas from this interview. Congratulations to all!!

  168. Congratulations on your well deserved win. Your team shines and I love the idea of a “buddy process” for new assistants.

  169. Congrats on 4 years together! Really love those values :)

  170. So amazing, the dedication and hard work is inspiring!

  171. It’s amazing to see the collaboration and strong teamwork you all have. I love the line “we agree that it’s okay if you don’t know what you don’t know.” As an admin, there’s tons that we don’t know but we have to be resourceful and find out. Oftentimes, that’s just by simply asking another admin!

  172. Awesome to make it globally inclusive!

  173. Thank you for this article and award! I picked up on many ideas to use for my team as well!

  174. Congrats Maxim! By reading the interview, your team is AMAZING! We can all learn from you and aspire to be All-Stars in our companies!

  175. Congrats, Maxim Integrated! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the L&D focus you have for your global admin team. The conference, awards, and monthly L&L are awesome and inspire me as I begin to brainstorm and work on L&D for our small, but growing, admin team.

  176. Congrats to everyone! Loved the emphasis on global training and leadership!

  177. Great job Ninjas!!! We have a new role model for our Admin team. We do a good job but now the bar has been raised!!

  178. Fantastic! It’s so great that your CEO recognized the importance of a strong admin team. I would love to have this type of program for our team! Kudos to you all!

  179. Way to go, team! I love the reminder to Be Bold and ask for what you need!

  180. This is truly inspiring. The support you have from your executives is huge.

  181. Go Maxim team! This profile ReALLY made me smile and it was inspiring to read suggestions for team connection and really happy to get to be a part of wishing you guys great success and congratulations!

  182. I really like how you are all supportive of one another and do many things together. Despite some members being around the world, everyone is included and thought of when doing things. It is great that you have been together for four years. A team as cohesive as yours can do anything!

  183. What an amazing team effort! Congratulations! It is inspiring to see that you are encouraged to build your business acumen and grow together.

  184. Congratulations to an inspiring group of people that emphasizes TEAM! Its great to see all the photos shared and to hear how they connect with each other world wide!

  185. Congratulations to such an awesome team! It’s not easy to have such a cohesive team that is spread out, you guys are a great example of what more companies should strive to be! Keep up the great work, and keep recognizing and taking care of admins!

  186. I love all the photos and the traditions that you have and continue to honor! I Congrats on being such an amazing, close-nit team!

  187. Great support group. We only have 2 ladies at this location, and 1 at the other.

  188. Congratulations! Way to lead. =)

  189. What an amazing team. To always be able to be there for each other, to be able to tell each other anything, whether you don’t understand or you’re too busy and need help, this is what every team wants and needs. This team is full of honor, love and hope. You’re Team All-Stars and True Ninja’s!!!

  190. So glad that you are recognizing this team! They obviously a driving force behind their company’s success. We’ll be able to utilize some of their ideas for staying connected immediately.

  191. Amazing what a team can do when they collaborate and respect each other, way to go!

  192. Congratulations to the entire team for this accomplishment! We are so proud and can learn from your example!

  193. I like the fact that Maxim has an organized–and funded–approach to supporting an administrative assistant community. This program serves as a great model for other companies.

  194. Congrats and keep up the great work! It’s really nice to see how Maxim invests in their admins and how you support each other!

  195. Wow! I wish more companies were like yours!

  196. Awesome collaboration among team-members. Congratulations!

  197. I love how you’ve operationalized a system of support and celebration for one another, and “mutual respect reigns” really resonates.

  198. Congratulations to an awesome team! Impressive that they have been able to become such a cohesive group while being a global company. We are new to the whole working virtually experience, so it is nice to see a group of colleagues like those at Maxim Integrated succeed.

  199. Congratulations team! I love the awards ceremony that you put on every year, what a wonderful way to advocate for and recognize administrative professionals! It’s also great that you have a award for a non-admin as well. Great job thinking outside the box and being inclusive!

  200. Love that you bring up campaigning for a seat at the table and communicating on a business level. So important and often overlooked!

  201. So great to see examples of positive team culture in action!

  202. Mutual Respect!!! I love it! Great to see you making it work across all time zones! Congrats!

  203. It is so awesome that you have monthly training sessions!

  204. It’s really neat to have your executives and rest of company encourage and foster the team’s professional growth – CONGRATS!

  205. LOVE their team value of “Mutual Respect Reigns!” All teams should operate with this as a core value. I am so fortunate I’m on a team that does.

  206. Awesome!
    *My opinions are my own and may not reflect the views of my employers.

  207. This kind of program takes a lot of work and dedication (above what is done on a day-to-day basis with their jobs). What a great example of working together can do and how it can benefit everyone. Congratulations!

  208. Congratulations. Way to go! Woot Woot.

  209. Wow what an accomplishment! I work for Accenture Federal Services and I am Team Lead to group of 14 EA’s. What you have done is incredible. I would like to take our team to the next level as well so needless to say as I read over your story I was taking notes the entire time. Our team is good but we can be better! Thank you Maxim for being a model. I would love to know more if that is possible. Thank you for inspiring us to be great leaders.

  210. Awesome job, guys! You are inspirational!

  211. The monthly processes lunch sounds like a great resource, I’d love to integrate this into my own company! I also love the buddy onboarding!

  212. Great article. Congratulations to the Maxim Integrated TEAM for sharing a great team and office atmosphere.

  213. Congratulations to the entire team! What an achievement. The article is absolutely fantastic and to follow your growth mindset is truly inspirational. Thank you for sharing with us all.

  214. It is wonderful to see such an engaged and supported group of Administrative Ninjas! Congratulations

  215. Congratulations to all of you; not only for this honor but also for building an environment of respect for the value you bring to the organization.

    I think this article highlights that it doesn’t happen overnight; you can start small and build on the concepts as the organization understands your overall goal and gets onboard.

  216. Fantastic overview! Love the concept behind Do You Know, which I can make a key takeaway.

  217. Congratulations! It is so impressive to see how you’ve united and integrated such a large group across multiple locations. The thing that I appreciate the most is how you’ve incorporated and included non-admins in annual award ceremony. I think this helps elevate the perception that being an EA is more than just a support function, it is crucial to organizational efficiency. Well done!

  218. Congratulations on the award! Such an amazing team!

  219. I think its amazing this team values each other so much. More companies should think about things like this to support their staff.

  220. Congrats to this awesome team!

  221. It is very motivating to hear about your regular professional development. This seems to be a good goal to put in place for our administrative assistants.

  222. Congratulations to an amazing team! Very inspiring!

  223. Congrats Maxim Integrated Team! I love reading about your environment of safety and building relationships with your team! Way to go!

  224. Wow – what an achievement – securing an $80,000 budget in 2018, to fund production of our Assistant Excellence Conference – this organization really values their administrative staff!

  225. Congratulations!! I like the way the team finds time outside of work to volunteer and help their community.

  226. Congrats! It takes work to be a solid team.

  227. HUGE Congrats to the whole Maxim Integrated team!

  228. Wow! You guys really have it all together!! We are thinking of implementing lunch and learn’s at our office. It’s a great way to gain new skills and practice team building at the same time. You are an inspiration! Go Ninjas!!

  229. Congratulations on your award! You’ve built an awesome team…very impressive!

  230. Great read – “we agree that it’s okay if you don’t know what you don’t know”. This is key in creating a safe place to mentor, and raise each other up. The more knowledge and skills we share with our fellow ninjas, the more we will get that seat at the table.

  231. Congrats on the award! Really love the that you have implemented learning as part of your culture and team success!

  232. Such a brilliant team. Congratulations!!!

  233. Congrats on the award, you seem like an awesome team. My favourite insight is that their team culture is that “it’s okay if you don’t know what you don’t know.”

  234. Congrats, I want to get our company to volunteer together. A great team exercise.

  235. Love the idea of participating in volunteer activities together. What a great way to cultivate friendships with like-minded, good-hearted people!

  236. Congratulations! Amazing to hear your team’s stories and success on starting up your own Assistant Conference from the ground up! It’s so inspiring to hear how you used your business skillsets to negotiate for budget from each department and advocacy on growth for Admin professions.

  237. Congrats to an amazing team! Truly inspiring!

  238. Congratulations!! I’m excited to see what the next week brings. It is truly amazing that distance is no obstacle for you guys! I hope one day to have a model like your in place in my organization. Kudos to you all!!!

  239. Congrats!! Love how much focus there is on L&D for the admin team.

  240. So honored to be a part of this wonderful team of people and to work for a company that appreciates it’s people. Thank you OfficeNinjas for recognizing us!

  241. Congratulations! The Honorary Assistant Award is a wonderful idea!

  242. Teamwork training and prioritizing collaboration are both things I will strive to implement in my workplace. Great article about what being a team looks like.

  243. Congratulations! I admire the respect and support that you all demonstrate. I the word Teamwork is essential for all successful assistants.

  244. I love the motto: Mutual Respect Reigns (!)

  245. Congratulations! This team really seems to be a exceptional group. I love that you stated that your success comes from the top down. This is something I feel strongly about within my organization as well. The owner of our company is such a great leader and teacher. His strong work ethic is motivation to us all and it really provides a camaraderie throughout the company, which drives our continued success. I recently just hire my first assistant and I love the idea of hosting monthly lunches, to further ensure that our goals are aligned so this is definitely something I want to start doing w/ my assistant moving forward.

  246. Congrats! Inspirational team! So many great ideas!

  247. Congrats all!! That’s awesome you have such a huge team for support :)

  248. Love the healthy relationship points between the Executive and Assistant. Such a great reminder to assistants to communicate effectively with your supervisor.

  249. This group is so much fun and collaborative.

  250. Congrats, Maxim on a global First for your team (OfficeNinjas All-Star Team) your write up has lots of great ideas. Collaboration is truly in your group.

  251. It is nice that you have a budget for professional development. I like Be the Difference – you need to speak up for what you need.

  252. Congrats to the All-Star team. It’s nice to see a male included in the pictures.

  253. Love the getting to know the personality of your supervisor aspect. HR Mngr and I did this when i started and we have a GREAT working relationship, and even lunch personal/business mix once a quarter.

  254. The Assistants Excellence Conference is a great idea to help others be successful.

  255. LOVE the emphasis on relationship amongst assistants, between assistants and those they serve, not to forget the relationship between assistants and others who work with and support them!

    Also enjoyed hearing about how y’all took the leap to show proof of concept with your AEC, AND discovered even more value than you expected!

    Finally, it’s awesome to see an organization that recognizes the importance of their assistants and providing in-house and/or funded development opportunities. Fantastic first recipient for the Team Award!

  256. Congratulations to this amazing team! What a positive influence they are having on this industry. It’s inspiring to see how this team collaborates and motivates each other.

  257. Congrats to the Maxim team. So much to learn from and adapt at our org

  258. Maxim has invested in its Admin team and growth and it shows. I hope more companies can take a chapter our of their play book and support admins better in the work place.

  259. WOW! This is impressive and great ideas to implement better programs at other companies

  260. Wow! This is crazy good! Love the team theme: Mutual Respect Reigns!

  261. Very cool to see such a well-rounded and coordinated team! Congratulations!!

  262. Good job! Love that you guys do volunteering together but also have fun :)

  263. Wow! A well-earned Congratulations!! Enjoyed reading about Maxim’s collective collaboration and successful teamwork!

  264. The company funded development programs are amazing! Congrats!

  265. It’s ok to not know what you don’t know… true and important to remember.

  266. This team is awesome — looks like you are a well-oiled machine!

  267. This article, you, and Maxim are so inspiring! I’ve come away with some amazing ideas for my own company and our large pool of administrative staff. You’ve shown how these valuable tools and investments in team members pay back more than double in amazing talent and cohesive teamwork! Thank you for sharing so much and CONGRATULATIONS!!

  268. What a great example of a supportive and progressive team!

  269. I love that as a team they give an award to a non admin that helps them. I also like that as a company they do an admin conference. This is a collaboration and teamwork that large global companies should aspire too.

  270. Congratulations to the Maxim team!
    I love this statement about what the love most about their team:”We’ve organically nurtured an environment of safety. You can say you need help. You can say you don’t understand. You can say you’ve never heard of something. You can say that you’re behind.”
    That is SO important when you’re building a great team that can feel comfortable enough to admit when they need help or need training on a topic. Love it!

  271. Such an inspiration, great read loaded with amazing ideals to use in the workplace.

  272. Congratulations! After reading this article I completely understand why your team was chosen – I now want to come work with all of you!

  273. I am so inspired by your article and excellent teamwork! Your teamwork and programs are a benchmark for corporations across the globe!

  274. The Assistant Excellence Conference sounds great!

    1. Hello Cherie M.

      The AEC really is alot of fun and exciting! To have our CEO and his executives in one room listening to the speakers & enjoying the best food is very rewarding. Especially when this year our very own EA will be presenting with her VP.
      But all our groups are pretty Awesome. Do you know, GAP, & the Mentor program!

  275. Love the Honorary Assistant Awards! Great idea for recognition and motivation! :)

  276. CONGRATS! It is so amazing that a global team can have such seamless communication and recognition.

  277. Congratulations, Maxim Integrates! What an amazing achievement. How lucky Maxim Integrated is to have such a strong, and successful admin team of 21. Keep inspiring each other, keeping pushing each other, and keep supporting each other. You all deserve this award!

    1. Hi Ellen

      Sherri @ Maxim integrated

      Thank you for the kinds words! We are all very fortunate to have each other and this is just half of us.

  278. Congratulations! It’s great that you can include your global team!

  279. Congratulations, Maxim Integrated All-Star Team! I love the collaboration among your team members as well as the respect you are given by those you support.

  280. I love your culture of cooperation. Way to go, and keep up the excellent work!

  281. Congratulations! As the only admin within my company it’s hard to get this type of backing but it gives me hope that there are companies out there giving ninjas the support they need and acknowledging our importance.

  282. Congratulations Maxim! What a great accomplishment!!

  283. “Thank you!” and “Great job!” go a long way. Being appreciated just feels good. – YES!! Congrats, All Stars!

  284. Fabulous cohesiveness. Inspiring to perhaps create a working lunch for the Admins in our company, we are physically far apart, to meet in person would be a great idea.

  285. Congratulations! Love that you all know each other so well that you help each other when someone is not having a good day. Also being ahead of the curve is really awesome and the new requirements for new comers I believe is important. I love that you hold an conference for assistants that is something I would like to do for my company.

  286. Congrats! I love how focused you are on the people aspect of the job! It is so important to support and lift each other up.

  287. Congratulations! It sounds like you have not only built a great team, but a great relationship with each other. Having a great relationship and bond with your coworkers makes it easier to inspire and uplift each other, even during the hard times.

  288. Congrats!! It’s so interesting to see the insights of a different company’s admin team.

  289. Supporting each other is the most important. Respect comes second! I’m happy y’all do both and congratulations on this achievement!

  290. I love the Honorary Assistant Award.

    1. Hi Nichole

      Yes we do too. It gives us a chance to show our appreciation for those that help make our job just that much more simpler.

  291. Love the respect you have for each other and the total team environment you have! Wish I had that where I work!

    1. Jess

      Sherri @ Maxim Integrated

      Having respect in a workplace makes going into the office all the difference in the world.
      Find a team that respects you! You Deserve it!

  292. Such a great inspiration for us all!

  293. Congrats! And totally agree. Without mutual respect, not much else matters at the end of the day.

  294. Congratulations!! It’s so wonderful to see a team work so cohesively together across the world. Office Administration personnel are truly the ninjas of the office, and keep the day to day running strong! I love that this team is highly encouraging mutual respect as well as providing credit and praise where it’s deserved! At my company we constantly strive to provide great feedback while creating a neutral environment where everyone feels welcomed and heard; and we love using what we learn from Office Ninjas to do so!

  295. Totally agree. Without mutual respect, not much else matters at the end of the day

  296. High Fives all around for supporting each other with high expectations!

  297. Congratulations, Maxim Team! I love how you’ve created such a supportive and respectful environment, and how you built your Administrative Excellence Conference. Starting with a budget of $300 in 2015, and then learning the company’s budget proposal process to get $80,000 in 2018 is impressive. It sounds like a great place to work!

  298. Congrats All Star Team – It is great to see people come together and collaborate cohesively.

  299. Congrats to the awesome All-Star Team! I like that it’s okay to not know what you don’t know. My prior Vice Chancellor used that Socrates saying all the time.

  300. I think it is great that you have your leaders on board and that you have a relationship where both parties have an opportunity to learn from each other as well as the respect for each other.

  301. I love how you and your team work together as one cohesive unit and support each other! Kudos to all of you! “And we agree that it’s okay if you don’t know what you don’t know.”

  302. Especially in today’s business environment, we need more groups who can collaborate from anywhere with grace and support.

  303. My company recently held a happy hour for our admins, the first since I’ve been at the office. I hope we can translate that goodwill into approval for more substantive programs like the ones described here!

    1. Congratulations Maxim Integrated Admin Assistants. Proud to be part of this team ❤️t470p

  304. Congratulations!! I loved reading about the benefits of knowing and respecting your teammates! This is a very vital part of being a team.

  305. I absolutely love this! If more companies/organizations would practice and encourage mutual respect…there would be more happier, productive administrative work forces! This article and Office Ninjas are inspiring- Thank you!!

  306. Congratulations!! I loved reading about the benefits of knowing and respecting your teammates and creating a safe space for open communication. It’s nice to see other people enacting that! Great job, team!

  307. Congratulations on being an OfficeNinjas ALL STAR! I love how everyone helps everyone! That’s the way an office should run. Not everyone has that…

  308. I love the slogan “Mutual Respect Reigns”, to me it was the biggest take away that no matter what department or enterprise you support as an assistant, we are all working towards the common goal of success!

  309. Traditions, motivations, and teamwork! SO IMPORTANT for growth!
    I love this article. Thank you for these insights, I needed to read them this morning.

  310. Congratulations on the first All Star team win! What an amazing, collaborative team! Love “We respect one another. We know each other. And we agree that it’s okay if you don’t know what you don’t know.”

  311. Great article. I love that you have a conference for you admins & you honor those that go above & beyond.

  312. The idea of Do You Know monthly lunches is such a great idea!

  313. Love the advice of making sure you have a seat at the table. Very true!

  314. Congrats! So deserving!

  315. Congrats! :) I love the strategies you have to keep morale up! It sounds like you have a wonderful group to work with! I’m going to look up more information about your conference you mentioned.

  316. Communication is definitely key for a great manager/ee experience.

  317. I love how this team has elevated the understanding of the important work assistants are doing!!

  318. Congratulations! You are proving that we can’t do it alone… takes a TEAM! I LUV my coHearts!

  319. What an awesome group you all have created. We also have a similar “Do you know” Lunch and learn quarterly for our Admin staff across the institution. Keep up the amazing work you all do!

  320. Congratulations. Lovevthevlunch idea. What a great achievement they have done.

  321. Our team is solid. We appreciate that our Supervisor sees each of our individual talents and places in the right position to utilize our strengths. We have monthly meetings to share updates and have the opportunity to share our concerns and ways we have improved processes. We work together to overcome, even amidst the COVID 19 craziness. We are truly blessed!

  322. Congratulations! What an amazing culture you have and I love how you stay connected and share your knowledge.

  323. Congrats to everyone! Love to see that teamwork in such challenging times.

  324. Love how you all work together, even remotely! Congratulations on the All Star team win!

  325. Congratulations! I love that the CEO sees the importance of having assistants and wanted an advocate for the team!

  326. Love how you highlight team work and appreciation for everyone on your team!

  327. Congratulations All Star Team! Thanks for the great tips!

  328. What an inspiring team! I love the monthly lunch and learns with an award to a top recognized assistant! Great idea!

  329. Congratulations! I love your teamwork and that it seems inspired from the top down. Excellent leadership hires excellent teams!

  330. The first all star team, what a cool achievement. Bravo to you all at MI!

  331. Impressive to say the least! Teamwork makes the dream work!

  332. Congrats to a clearly AWESOME team! I’m a solo EA at a small business, so I’m intrigued! My favorite takeaway from this interview is this: “Communicate on a business level.” Offering suggestions and solutions is key to communicating our worth to your executive(s)! I think we forget this sometimes. That’s great advice.

  333. So awesome! Love the encouragement you give to one another. Great overall advice.

  334. Wow! Huge group!! Congratulations new all stars. Welcome to the family – can not wait to meet you all somewhere along the lines!

  335. That’s great that Maxim supports their admin staff.

  336. Such a great team! Really cool to learn about how they work.

  337. Congrats All-Star TEAM! My favorite part is that your success is inspired from the top down by your CEO, Tunc Doluca. Most important! ;)

    1. Bonnie

      Sherri @ Maxim Integrated

      Thank you Bonnie!!! I am with you, if it wasn’t for our biggest inspiration Tunc and Nancy, we would not be the team that we are today.

  338. This is a great team and great idea to honor someone outside the team who still does so much!

  339. CONGRATS!! It’s wonderful to see such a cohesive unit – from all over. Teamwork is essential, and being able to laugh while working is a definite plus. Many of us out there helping each other, even if some of what you’re doing is not “your job”. Kudos to all of you!

  340. Congratulations All-Star team!! I love the idea of taking the personality style assessment with managers to better communication!! Is there a particular one that’s good??

  341. Congrats to the All Star Team! I loved the idea of the buddy onboarding process.

  342. Wow, love the teamwork and support you all give each other!

  343. Impressed with the volunteering together aspect! What a great way to leverage your relationships to help others even outside the company!

  344. Congratulations!! I am Inspired by the fact that there was no budget and you all hustled and made believers out of those people who provided money to get you $80k budget! Awesome job.

  345. I continue to be impressed with companies that emote the best examples of recognition. Being in the Exec Admin position myself, I hear bout the cost in funding and time and will continue to push for this in my company. Congratulations!

  346. Congats All Star Team! I love how you incorporate volunteer activities to cultivate friendships outside of work.

  347. Congrats! I loved the individual Ninja Photo Shoot!

  348. Congratulations! And you’re right – Collaboration takes work. You are an inspiration!

  349. Love your response that you respect each other. I don’t think there are many in the workforce that have respect for one another. It seems like now it is much more cut-throat on who gets what, whether they did the work or not. Continue to great team that you have in place.

  350. Congratulations to your incredible team! What a great accomplishment and well deserved. Thank you for sharing your tips and successes. It’s wonderful to hear about more businesses putting advocacy for the admins among their priorities and for adding funding for resources as well!

  351. For me, the biggest takeaway is this: “Be the Difference. Our team speaks up, asks for what it needs, and executes on ideas and “what ifs.””
    Awesome and congratulations!

  352. What an incredible team! Just reading through your q/a, I’m actually able to take away some pointers to instill in my job and how I do things. I love that you host lunch and learns and they are so accepted. That is something I would love to start in our company. We all need refresher courses and there’s always something new to learn. Congratulations Team Maxim!!!

  353. Congrats! I love that you all volunteer together outside the office. What a fun and helpful way to build team bonds!

  354. Congratulations! I especially like that you campaign for a seat at the table.

  355. Congratulations to all the winning Ninjas! Its a joy to see “admins like me” celebrated in this way!

  356. Love that we need to develop Chief of Staff skills and campaign for a seat at the table! What a badass group! Congrats Maxim Team!

  357. Congrats! I love your idea of the “Do You Know” lunches!!

  358. Congratulations, Maxim team! The professional development in budget and project management is AMAZING, and it sounds like the team has created a buy-in from the top down. Well done!

  359. Congrats! Love the way you make everyone on your team, no matter where they are located, feel included! The Do You Know and Assistant Excellence Conference sound awesome!

  360. Congratulations to the Office Ninjas Team! I love your spirit! It is contagious and that is one pandemic worth sharing!! Cheers!

  361. More communication and events to keep teams engaged….

  362. Congratulations!! Biggest takeaway I see is to THINK GLOBALLY! So important!

  363. Love the enthusiasm & positivity : )

  364. Personality style assessment is such a great idea! Take some of the guess work out it.

  365. Congratulations! You have a great culture, especially when the word “thank you” is recognized and used regularly.

  366. This is inspiring me to motivate our admin team to become closer and more intertwined. You guys are such an amazing team!

  367. Congrats on your win! I love the honorary assistant award and want to try and implement that at my company. Keep staying ahead of the curve! :)

  368. Congratulations! It’s been said so many times, but having a healthy relationship with your boss that includes open communication and respect makes all the difference in the world.

  369. I love how you recognize that even assistants need assistance. What a beautiful way to show the harmony of an organization.

  370. Congratulations to the first All-Star Team! I love the idea of buddy onboarding!

  371. I love the Do You Know monthly lunch idea. That is a great way to stay connected and learn something new, whether it is new technology, a new organizational initiative or a personal growth skill.

  372. Great coaching advice – How do you encourage more executives to utilize their EAs as strategic partners?

  373. The support from the top for professional development is AWESOME! I love it!

  374. It is so critically important that management in your organization are advocates for their assistants. It’s a relationship that needs nurturing and without it the relationship won’t blossom!

  375. Congratulations. Ninjas are a great team and only getting better!

  376. I love how you guys support each other despite the distance! Your Ninja pics are SO stinkin’ cute! What a fun group! Congrats on your award!

  377. Congratulations!! I love that everyone seems to he on the same page with how important an encouraging work environment is – keeping that support in even the little things in the way you talk to each other and lift each other up makes such a difference. It’s awesome to hear about the appreciation you all have for each other.

  378. Congrats! Always great to see a healthy and productive team out there.

  379. Congratulations! Love the Do You Know activity you do! It would be a neat thing for our staff to do.

  380. WELCOME! So great to see the team environment that is so important in the office. Congratulations on being such a great example!

  381. CONGRATULATIONS! I absolutely LOVE that your team created its own Honorary Assistant Award! What a wonderful way to highlight those who support the challenging (and rewarding) work of admins. Bravo!

  382. Congratulations, Maxim team! I love that this group banded together to advance the administrative profession within their organization, taking cues from publications like HBR and the WSJ.

  383. Congratulations and what an amazing honor to be the first ALL-STAR TEAM!! I love the “Learning is a long term relationship” quote. I couldn’t agree more!

  384. Congratulations! This is so exciting!

  385. Looks like you’ve built an amazing culture for your OfficeNinjas! Well done & congrats on this award!!

  386. Congratulations Maxim Admin team! My top takeaway from this article, is the advice to communicate at a business level – suggest solutions to problems and be ready to present the data to support your ideas and plans.

  387. Mutual respect reigns….so true, and I love it! What a great team!

  388. Congratulations on being the first ever OfficeNinjas All-Star team!!! The unity and culture you all are radiating is truly inspiring. Kudos!

  389. Congrats to an amazing team! I love those ninja pics lol

  390. Congratulation on receiving the All-Star Team honor. I hope to one day see our company’s Admin origination reach this level of fundraising and togetherness.
    My take is the ” top-level assistants must be able to demonstrate administrative chief-of-staff skills.”. This is true because often times we are leading from behind and must keep our knowledge up to represent our department and supervisor effectively.

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