Let’s Celebrate Elaine Carbonell, 2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star!

2020 Week - All-Star Elaine Carbonell

All-Star Ninja Snapshot

Elaine Carbonell

Title & Company
Sr. Executive Assistant, DocuSign in San Francisco, CA

# Years as an Office Ninja
25 years

Fun Fact
She co-founded SIS Circle (Strength in Sisterhood), an organization that supports women’s wellness, career development, and personal growth.

Editor’s Note: We’re thrilled to spotlight the tremendous impact admin professionals have on the workforce and global business community. While coronavirus threw us for a loop this year, our 2020 All-Stars rose to the challenge with great collaboration, flexibility, and fun personal photos!

For Elaine Carbonell, being a Ninja isn’t just her chosen career — it’s a legacy.

Prior to retiring, Elaine’s mom Florentina worked as an admin, and Elaine spent the days of her summer vacation helping her at the office. It was fun to stamp invoices and play the filing “game,” but what Elaine remembers best is the way her mother commanded the respect and appreciation of her colleagues.

Later, when she became an admin herself, Elaine would truly understand what an important role she (like all Ninjas) plays in the workplace.

Administrative mastery may run in the family, but Elaine has blazed her own path over the course of her 25-year career. As one of the senior members of a global team of over 30 admins, she created DocuSign’s Employee Resource Group PAVE (Pan Asian Voice for Equity). She’s one of the co-chairs for DocuSign Women in San Francisco, and was invited to contribute to the next Executive Leadership Support Forum in San Francisco. Now, she’s an All-Star!

Read our interview with Elaine and get to know this community-driven 2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star.

2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Elaine Carbonell poses with her mom during a relaxing retreat.

Elaine says her mother is her inspiration to be a good human. Here, they relax during a retreat at Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma Valley, CA.

How did growing up with an admin parent influence your career path?

My mother is a small Asian lady, but she is a powerhouse! When we were kids, my sisters and I would go to her work during the summers because we couldn’t afford summer camp. And I got to see how everyone was so appreciative of her and treated her with such respect.

Mom was helpful and I wanted to be helpful, too. So, she made a game for me out of filing and stamping invoices — she even gave us girls some money for our work at the end of the day!

Throughout my life, I knew what my mom did, but I didn’t really know until I became an admin at the L.A. Times.

We worked close to each other at the time, so I was able to have lunch with her every week. When she finally decided to retire, we had a surprise party for her. Everyone throughout her career (even those who knew her as a 15-year-old nanny in the Philippines!) came to celebrate her. Standing in that room full of admiration and respect for my mom, I was in awe.

She’s always cared about what she did, how she did it, and everyone she worked with. And even at 76 and retired, she is still contributing and learning. Currently, she volunteers at her local senior center doing clerical work. She is just AMAZING!

Tell us about the craziest day you’ve ever experienced as an Office Ninja.

Supporting multiple executives is always crazy. Each day has new challenges, but I can share what a typical day is: One executive will have a team offsite that I need to be at to manage. Another executive will have a high-priority meeting that involves grabbing lunch and taking notes. Meanwhile, there is an office move happening and I need to get seating assignments turned in by the end of the week for 150 people. Plus, expenses for each exec are due in two days.

Elaine has been involved in numerous office projects, in particular an entire multi-floor redesign project that required moving 100 people, accounting for interim hotel desks, and connecting with the construction teams to project manage appropriate access and controls. She never missed a step with her daily tasks. That is what I feel separates her from the rest. – Beau Vasquez, Sr. Director, Demand Marketing

2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Elaine Carbonell and the DocuSign team pose for a group photo at Oracle Park.

Elaine and the DocuSign team participate in Light the Night at Oracle Park to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

You collaborate with up to 30 admins around the globe. Any tips for communicating well with team members?

Before landing at DocuSign, I knew I wanted to be part of a tightly connected admin team that collaborates openly and meets frequently.

The admin team here at DocuSign is first-class — our respect for each other is SO HIGH. The admin team is truly here to support one another with no competition. This is the first time I’ve experienced anything like this in my entire career. It’s incredible! And most of the admins have been here for several years, which shows how much the team values each other and the company.

Building a strong communication network like this takes intention and nurturing. One key thing we do is hold a 90-minute team check-in every month.

We’re all on different floors, so we don’t actually get to see each other face to face that much. Meeting monthly gives us the chance to share personal updates, seek advice, and connect.

Our meeting has no formal agenda, but there is always lunch being provided. Each EA takes turns organizing it via their department’s budget, which creates a unified sense of ownership.

During lunch, we each spend some time talking about what’s going on in our roles, and asking for support if we need it. Each EA has easily over 100 people per team (thank god for Slack and email) — so, we really treasure these opportunities to come together and support each other.

What’s your favorite part of being an Office Ninja?

I’m the boss behind the boss and most of the time, I can orchestrate how events will take place in the day.

“You’re going to have to ask Elaine if I can do that,” is what my executives say to the team. They understand that I am constantly playing calendar tetris — moving meetings around all day long for four executives as I manage and prioritize their calendars.

That said, I try to ask the right questions to help team members make decisions on their own. No one likes being told what to do — but everyone likes being heard. And once I have the information I need, I can usually help steer them in a collaborative and efficient way.

What’s the one thing that’s always on your desk and why?

A picture of my sons. They are my motivation. When I look at their beautiful faces, it makes me want to keep going. If I feel down about something, they light up my day.

Now that we are sheltering in place, I don’t have to look at a photo! My younger son sees me working, and he wants to participate in whatever I’m doing — just like I did during those summer days at work with my mom.

2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Elaine Carbonell keeps a photo of her two sons on her desk.

Elaine’s 12-year-old stepson and her 5-year-old son watch over her desktop dog park.

How does your team help you succeed?

Each member of the admin team, whether locally or globally, is always willing to help — I can’t say this enough.

When my boss wanted me to spearhead our charity event Light the Night in support of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, I was excited about the opportunity but my schedule was jam-packed and I was nervous about how I’d make it all happen.

One day, in passing, I mentioned the event and the amount of work to put it on to Denise Latka, an admin in a different department, and without hesitation, she enthusiastically VOLUNTEERED to help! But she didn’t just help — she became the heart of the operation with me as her support. She secured sponsors and gift certificates for the auction and surpassed our fundraising goals by 2x!

The event was a huge success because of her leadership and I couldn’t be more proud to have been a part of it.

We all look out for one another and we are NOT afraid to ask for support. We all have different strengths and knowledge bases and know that, collectively, we are smarter together.

This kind of amazing collaboration extends beyond our admin team, too. The outpouring of appreciation and gratitude from those we support is quite humbling and never ceases to surprise me.

My managers listen and take time to just hear me out. I can walk into anyone’s office or hop on a Zoom with any of my execs to ask questions. There isn’t pressure to hide your struggles or be something you’re not. Across the board, we are all human first.

2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Elaine Carbonell and the DocuSign admin team members participate in a video conference.

Elaine and some of the amazing admins she works with stay connected while DocuSign staff are on mandatory WFH.

How have you prioritized diversity and inclusion within your organization?

As an admin, I sometimes act as a stand-in therapist. I provide my team a safe space and have an objective opinion. In many conversations, not being heard or not feeling included is a common issue. Employee resource groups (ERGs) can help us feel included.

I created DocuSign’s first Asian Resource Group called Pan Asian Voice for Equity (PAVE). It was one of my goals I shared with my boss when I first came to DocuSign, and it took about a year for me to organize.

I’m also co-chairing DocuSign Women San Francisco. As part of the leadership team for these ERGs, I have a responsibility to align the groups’ missions and visions to DocuSign’s. The PAVE leadership team created a mission that says it all: “Our mission is to provide awareness and foster communities that empower each other regardless of gender, race, career level, and education.”

Elaine has helped drive so much innovation to promote team building and culture across Marketing and Go-to-Market organizations at DocuSign. – Francesca La O, Senior Director, Analytics

What actionable steps would you recommend for another EA who would want to start an ERG?

Start by learning from those who are already doing. Talk to leaders of other ERGs to gather helpful insight into running a group. I talked to Black Organization for Leadership & Development (BOLD) and also met with the Latinx group. Other established groups are an incredible source of information that you can’t get anywhere else.

It’s equally important to find others who are passionate about your group, too, because you will need accountability and support in planning and seeking company approval.

When I asked my colleague Joyce Liang if she would be interested in starting the group with me, her eyes lit up and she said, ”Oh my gosh, yes!” Joyce and I then got to work and put together a list of people we thought would be interested in joining.

Next, meet with your Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) or HR teams who can help you determine how to get the ball rolling. Most companies are open and interested — they want to support their employees. DocuSign’s D&I Manager, Amoy Brock, was very supportive, giving us great direction throughout the entire application and approval process.

And don’t give up! It took us about a year to get our group up and running as we juggled learning, application, and organization — along with our regular daily tasks. If it’s important to you, stay with it! Because it’s truly worth the effort.

2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Elaine Carbonell and DocuSign team members pose for a group photo during a company event.

Elaine strikes a pose with her leadership team at the PAVE ERG Kick-Off and Lunar New Year Celebration at DocuSign.

Where does your drive come from? What keeps you motivated?

My children. I have 2 stepsons (19 and 12 years old) and a 5-year-old son. I’m also a single mom and sometimes I feel like I’m failing every day, but I get up and I tell my sons that today is a brand new day. We always get to start over and be better. I want them to see that hard work and good intentions go a long way. Guiding them to be good humans is my motivation because I know they will pay it forward.

What is your greatest professional achievement?

Spearheading the creation of the PAVE Employee Resource Group. Becoming one of the co-chairs for DocuSign Women in San Francisco. And, somehow, I was anonymously nominated for the OfficeNinjas All-Star Award. I am grateful and blessed to have come this far. I must be doing something right!

She is the best mentor I know. She takes many new admins under her wing, teaching them and doing all she can to make them the best admins they can be! – Bekah Nye, Executive Assistant

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What are you most proud of outside of work?

My son. He is so smart. He’s reading and writing at a second-grade level — it surprises me how much he knows at five years old!

And it’s all the simple things, you know? In the mornings, I get up first and get ready, shortly after, without my prodding, he’ll be all dressed, ready to go — and the bed’s been made! Then at night, when I’m ready for bed, I go to brush my teeth and see that he’s put toothpaste on my toothbrush for me. In awe, I think to myself, “I made him?!”

Tell us about the SIS women’s group you co-founded.

My sister and I co-founded a women’s group called SIS Circle (Strength in Sisterhood) back in August 2018. SIS Circle is a celebration of sisterhood and the intersection of women’s careers and home lives. At SIS Circle, we believe that this intersection is inseparable — they inform and influence each other.

SIS Circle supports the whole woman: her wellness, career development, and personal growth. We believe that a strong community of women is the hidden force behind the most powerful women, and we want to bring that sisterhood front and center. We want to help women turn their passions into practice. We promote self-care, resilience, and help every member envision self worth.

2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Elaine Carbonell and her family pose for a photo during SIS Circle Resilience Summit.

Elaine and her family participate in Strength in Sisterhood (SIS) Circle’s Resilience Summit.

What would you say are the top 3 traits of an OfficeNinjas All-Star?

  • An open mind. Always be learning.
  • Knowing how to read the room, aka emotional mastery.
  • Having a sturdy foundation of the 3 Ps: Prioritize, Proactive and Present.

Elaine’s superpower is dealing with many very different personalities and always making everyone feel like what they are trying to achieve is important. Elaine always appears calm, collected, and in charge. She just gets sh*t done and makes you feel good in the process. – Megan Lew, Sr. Director, Web & Mobile Business

What’s one thing you’ve done that’s been the most impactful in advancing your career?

Keeping it real and authentic, especially during interviews. Research the company, CEO, previous holders of the role, the admin team, and those with whom you’re meeting. But, you should never rehearse what you’re going to say or try to figure out what they want to hear. Be YOU. Be confident in what you know and what you have to offer and be ready to talk about your experience in detail.

As much as you should be the right fit for a job, that job should be the right fit for you. This is something I learned first from my mom and sisters. I wasn’t ready to fully understand it when I was younger, but as I grew in my career … it became loud and clear. Be human first.

2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Elaine Carbonell's desk setup at the office.

Elaine’s desk setup at work includes calendars, coffee, a screensaver of one of her sons — and, yes, a red Swingline stapler.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

“If you always do what you always have done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.” One of my professors told me that when I was a freshman in college and it has stuck with me ever since.

In my career as an admin, there have been times when I’ve felt my opinions didn’t matter — I felt I was just the “go-to girl.” Most of the time I would let it be and then afterward get frustrated that my ideas weren’t heard or things didn’t go my way. I would be mad at myself for not speaking up.

I’ve learned that you must ASK for what you want and need. Let it be known so you can find out how to get it. Otherwise, things will always stay the same.

Office Ninjas often have tips and tricks of the trade. Any you care to share?

Make sure you are doing the work of your life. If this is just a job for you, it won’t resonate and be fulfilling. Do you care about the company’s success? Do you value their product or service? Do you care about your team? The answers to these questions will tell you if you are in the right position with the right environment you need to do what you do best.

Elaine’s story is proof that “Stay true to yourself” isn’t some empty platitude. It’s a prescription for a multi-faceted career that’s satisfying and meaningful.

A hand-lettered digital graphic created exclusively for the 2020 OfficeNinjas All-Star Awards, featuring the quote, “Be human first.”

We commissioned an artist to hand letter and digitize a powerful mantra from today’s All-Star interview.

Calling all Admin Pros (aka Office Ninjas)

We’re hosting a FREE Giveaway from DoorDash today!

Didn’t win the Admin Day Mega Raffle? Your luck may be about to change. Thanks to our generous partners at DoorDash for Business, we’ve added a bonus giveaway — a $300 DoorDash gift card! Follow a simple 2-step process to enter:

  1. Leave a comment on this article congratulating today’s All-Star Winner and sharing your favorite take away.
  2. Visit the official Mega Raffle Entry Form and submit your entry. If you already entered earlier this week, you’re still in the running. Want to increase your odds? We’ve got a slew of new entry opportunities — check them out below! Enter today by 5pm PST to win. Good luck!
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  1. It is so inspiring to hear about a successful women that have found a work/life balance.

  2. I love that your son thoughtfully sets up your toothbrush. And I love this advice: “If you always do what you always have done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.”

  3. Congratulations Elaine! What an amazing talent you are! I love your inspiration, what an amazing mom you have! Cheers!

  4. “You’re going to have to ask Elaine if I can do that,” is the best phrase. Love the pics of your son, your office setup and the dog park. LOL Great job! Congratulations!

  5. Congrats! Well deserved, Elaine!

  6. Congrats on the win and for being such an active role model. SIS Circle sounds amazing!

  7. Congrats Elaine! Love your advice: Having a sturdy foundation of the 3 Ps: Prioritize, Proactive and Present.
    And most of All…Be Human!

  8. Congratulations Elaine! I like the fact your exec says people need to ask you if he can do something, that’s great. I also liked that in your EA team meetings each EA takes turns organizing, helping to give a sense of ownership, that’s a great idea!
    Congratulations again!

  9. Thank you, Elaine, for sharing your tips and tricks! I’ve been asking myself those questions a lot recently, so it’s helped me put things into perspective! Also, love your initech mug :-)

  10. Dear Elaine,
    Congratulations. This recognition is so deserved. You are truly an amazing person. One of your points that resonates with me is that each day we have a new beginning. Wow! Thank you for that!

  11. Congratulations, Elaine. You are a true inspiration! I love the reminder to ask for what you want/need!!

  12. Congratulations! Well deserved! Love how you are close with your family and able to share what you love with them. How you implement your family time with your job.

  13. Wow! I am blown away! Congratulations! What an inspiration you are!!

  14. Congrats! Being a part of a large admin group has to be amazing as you have the support of like minded individuals.

  15. Congrats Elaine!!!
    Loved the 3 Ps: Prioritize, Proactive and Present.

  16. Thanks for sharing your story! Congratulations!

  17. You are such a huge inspiration, Elaine! This award is very well deserved!

  18. Wow, what an inspiration!! The accomplishments you’ve conquered in your career are beyond impressive. Thank you for being you!!

  19. What an inspiration you are to me!! Your love for your profession and family truly shines. Your compassion for others definitely shines through you! Thank you for your uplifting story!!

  20. Congrats Elaine! What an inspiring story. Keep doing what your doing and thanks for sharing your story!

  21. Major congrats, Elaine! Your admiration for your mother really resonated with me. I know if I had just a tiny sliver of my mother’s tenacity (shout-out Filipino moms), that would be more than enough to get me through anything. Also, your college professor’s advice was definitely something I needed to hear – wrote it down on a notecard!

  22. You’re amazing, Elaine! I can’t believe you spearheaded a resource group and women’s group, while being an awesome EA and parent – just writing all of that makes me dizzy. You seriously go above and beyond! Enjoy celebrating your much-deserved award!

  23. What an inspiring story! Congrats on the well deserved recognition.

  24. Congrats Elaine! Love that your’e the boss behind the boss! whoot! Being human first is such a great reminder. Better to love than be right. Thank you

  25. Wow, what an inspiration! And how wonderful to be able to share your stories of success and struggles with your mother as she truly understands how difficult and rewarding this job can be!

  26. Congrats! I loved the advice: Make sure you are doing the work of your life.

  27. “I’m the boss behind the boss” That’s a perfect description of an Office Ninja! Congrats Elaine!

  28. Love to read how you elevate and inspire others, while leading by example. You are a fine example and bring credibility to our chosen profession!

  29. Congrats Elaine! You are truly inspiring. I loved what you said about the importance of not only you being the right fit for the job, but the job being the right fit for you-so true. Wishing you continued success!

  30. Elaine you are a wonderful human being and a excellent admin professional! I enjoyed reading your accomplishments and can’t wait to see what you will contribute to the profession in the future! Congratulations !!!

  31. Congrats Elaine!! Inspirational to see your work with SIS and PAVE – i hope to start a similar group in my organization!

  32. You’re so inspiring to so many! Thanks for being real and “getting it” about the admin profession! It’s refreshing!

  33. Exactly. Be Human First is what I was thinking as I was reading Elaine’s story. Elaine, you are real and an inspiration!

  34. Congratulations Elaine! What an inspiration for the admin community! Well deserved and thank you for sharing your admin story. 🤩💐

  35. Congrats! You and your sister and mother are amazing women!

  36. Bravo, Elaine! I love the call out to being able to read the room, and be a human first.

  37. Congratulations. I love that you have strong women in your life and that you are lifting each other up.

  38. Ellaine, no wonder you are such a powerhouse! Sounds like you had an amazing role model in your Mother and a wonderful family/community to rally behind you the whole way. Your so innovative and creative and share ways many others can expand and find one more pocket of fulfillment from their administrative roles. Bravo!

  39. Congrats Elaine! You are truly a leader among your peers, and have an amazing way of bringing people together. I love that your mom is your role model. As a kid, my mom also took me to her office when I was on break from school. I learned my ninja filing skills in those early days!

  40. You seem like a very warm and caring person congratulations on your achievements.

  41. Congrats! That’s so awesome you followed in your mom’s career path’s footsteps.

  42. Congratulations! I agree that the job should be the right fit for you or each day will drag by without purpose.

  43. Congratulations! I love that you ask for help. It’s so hard to, but knowing yourself and your limitations is critical. I also love that your desk looks real…multiple cups, receipts, work in progress. Watch out! She’s got things to do!

  44. You go, girl! Congrats! Boss behind the boss….how true :)

  45. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am very much inspired by this NINJA!!! I love her enthusiasm for her family and the way she followed in her mom’s footsteps. Its strong women in a woman’s life that defines her. So proud to be an Office Ninja aka Senior Administrative Assistant. I love helping people too as Elaine states in her interview. Congratulations to ELAINE CARBONELL!

  46. Congratulations Elaine! You deserve it! Thanks for starting such a meaningful organization as well. You ROCK!!

  47. Wow, she does it all. No wonder why she won this award – well deserved. Congratulations and best wishes.

  48. Congratulations and thank you, Elaine, for being an inspiration!
    My takeaway: “I’ve learned that you must ASK for what you want and need. Let it be known so you can find out how to get it. Otherwise, things will always stay the same.”

  49. Congratulations, Elaine! It’s wonderful that you co-founded Strength in Sisterhood. We all need to raise each other up.

  50. You are an incredible woman and hard worker! Kudos to you :) I like your saying “boss behind the boss” so much truth in that!

  51. “I’m the boss behind the boss…” So true Elaine!

  52. Congratulations, Elaine!

    I admire all of your accomplishments.

    Best wishes for continued success.

  53. Congrats Elaine, Keep doing GREAT work.

    My take away is many do not respect that as admin, we are “the boss behind the boss ”
    and that it more than, penciling you in to meet with our supervisors. . i love the term “playing calendar tetris”
    moving meetings around all day long for four executives as I manage and prioritize their calendars

    I agree that no one likes being told what to do. when I can i reach out to the Admin group and ask what do you need and how do they feel we can achieve greatness together. —

    Congrats again Elaine.

  54. What an inspirational snapshot of Elaine and her world. She has done so much already, yet still has the drive to keep going. I’m so proud of her. I can feel so rehearsed at interviews, so receiving her words to “be you” and to also recognize that fit goes both ways was freeing. Congrats, Elaine!

  55. Congrats Elaine!! Well deserved! My Mom is a major influence for me too!

  56. You are doing wonderful things Elaine and I love the tribute to your mother.

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